View menu


Selecting this command results in refreshing a structure drawing displayed on the screen with no change in a structure view.

Menu: View > Redraw command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):

Dynamic View:

Dynamic View

This command allows for a dynamic setting of structure view (zooms, rotation, translations). "Dynamic" means that the structure is visible when changes are made (whereas in other options only the initial and the final views are available). The transformation type depends on the option selected on the additional toolbar that appears on screen (rotation, translation, zooming in, etc.). Shortcut: <CTRL> + <ALT> + O.

Menu: View > Dynamic view > Dynamic view command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

Rotate / Zoom / Pan

This command allows you to operate in multifunctional mode (Rotate / zoom / translations). The option allows you to work with all modes simultaneously. The 3D screen is divided in quarters, one of the modes is attributed to each.

left top: rotate

right top: translation

left bottom: zoom

right bottom: rotate 2D .

After positioning the cursor in the appropriate quarter, the cursor changes its appearance (see the icons above).

Menu: View > Dynamic View > Rotate / Zoom / Pan command

This option is also available in the toolbar (view or standard):

Rotate 3D

This command allows for the rotation of the structure in all the planes.

Menu: View > Dynamic View > Rotate 3D command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):

Rotate 2D

This command allows for the rotation of the structure in the plane which is parallel to the screen plane.

Menu: View > Dynamic View > Rotate 2D command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):


This command allows you to zoom in / out the structure.

Menu: View > Dynamic View > Zoom command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):


This command allows you to move in the view plane (moving the structure with respect to the middle of the screen).

Menu: View > Dynamic View > Pan command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):


This command allows for presentation of the structure considering the light intensity, the material and the ground.

Menu: View > Dynamic View > Presentation... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):



Selecting this command results in zooming in to the whole screen size selected by a user of the area on the screen. The area is defined by defining a rectangle: first one should click with the left mouse button in a point being the first apex of the rectangle and then, after pressing the mouse button, drag it to the point being the opposite apex of the rectangle; releasing the mouse button results in definition of this apex and ending a determination of the zoom in area. Shortcut: <CTRL> + <ALT> + L, ZZ, or ZR .

Menu: View > Zoom > Window command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):

Zoom In

Selecting this command results in enlarging the drawing in the graphical viewer by a defined value.

Menu: View > Zoom > Zoom In command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

Zoom Out

Selecting this command results in reducing the size of the drawing in the graphical viewer by a defined value. Shortcut: ZV.

Menu: View > Zoom > Zoom Out command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

Detailed Window

Selecting this command results in opening a new window with a zoomed part of the initial viewer.

Menu: View > Zoom > Detailed Window command

Zoom All

Selecting this command results in restoring the initial structure view in the viewer so that the whole structure was on the screen. Shortcut: <CTRL> + <ALT> + D. Shortcut: ZA.

Menu: View > Zoom > Zoom All command

This option is also available in the toolbar (standard):

Zoom current selection

Selection of this command results in zooming in part of the structure containing the selected elements.

Menu: View > Zoom > Zoom current selection command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):


Selecting this command results in restoring the previous structure view. Shortcut: ZP.

Menu: View > Zoom > Previous command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):


Selecting this command results in restoring the next structure view.

Menu: View > Zoom > Next command


Selecting this command results in a structure view definition, in which structure elements are linked or exploded from each other. If the elements are linked, element ends at one node are moved away and inversely in a new view. Shortcut: <CTRL> + <ALT> + E.

Menu: View > Zoom > Explode command

This option is also available in the toolbar:



Once this option is selected, the structure can be moved on the graphic viewer. The vector is defined by assigning two points: vector beginning and end. To start a definition left-click on the point which will be the beginning of the vector then while holding the button down, drag the line to the desired end point; releasing the mouse button results in defining the vector's end and therefore, the entire vector.

Menu: View > Pan > Move command

Move Up

Once this option is selected the structure drawing will be moved up by a given step.

Menu: View > Pan > Move Up command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

Move Left

Once this option is selected the structure drawing will be moved to the left by a given step.

Menu: View > Pan > Move Left command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

Move Right

Once this option is selected the structure drawing will be moved to the right by a given step.

Menu: View > Pan > Move Right command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

Move Down

Once this option is selected the structure drawing will be moved down by a given step.

Menu: View > Pan > Move Down command

This option is also available in the toolbar:



Selecting this command results in setting the structure on the ZX plane at the recently defined Y-coordinate value (default value: Y=0). It means that only the structure components from this plane will be displayed. Shortcut: <CTRL> + <ALT> + 1.

Menu: View > Projection > ZX command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):


Selecting this command results in setting the structure on the XY plane at the recently defined Z-coordinate value (default value: Z=0). It means that only the structure components from this plane will be displayed. Shortcut: <CTRL> + <ALT> + 2.

Menu: View > Projection > XY command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):


Selecting this command results in setting the structure on the YZ plane at the recently defined X-coordinate value (default value: X=0). It means that only the structure components from this plane will be displayed. Shortcut: <CTRL> + <ALT> + 3.

Menu: View > Projection > YZ command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):

ZX 3D/1

Once this option is selected the structure is displayed in 3D, but visible only on the ZX plane (all structure components are displayed).

Menu: View > Projection > ZX 3D/1 command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):

XY 3D/2

Once this option is selected the structure is displayed in 3D, but visible only on the XY plane (all structure components are displayed).

Menu: View > Projection > XY 3D/2 command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):

YZ 3D/3

Once this option is selected the structure is displayed in 3D, but visible only on the YZ plane (all structure components are displayed).

Menu: View > Projection > YZ 3D/3 command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):


Once this option is selected, a 3D view of the structure is displayed. Shortcut: <CTRL> + <ALT> + 0.

Menu: View > Projection > 3D XYZ command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):


By An Angle...

Selecting this command allows you to perform a rotation about one of the local coordinates system axes. The user selects the axis and the rotation angle.

Menu: View > Rotation > By An Angle... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):

About X

This command allows for a structure constant rotation about the X-axis.

Menu: View > Rotation > About X command

Shortcut: <CTRL> + <ALT> + X.

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):

About Y

This command allows for a structure constant rotation about the Y-axis.

Shortcut: <CTRL> + <ALT> + Y.

Menu: View > Rotation > About Y command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):

About Z

This command allows for a structure constant rotation about the Z-axis.

Shortcut: <CTRL> + <ALT> + Z.

Menu: View > Rotation > About Z command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):

Counter Clockwise

If this command is selected, the structure rotation is performed in the direction opposite to the clockwise.

Menu: View > Rotation > Counter Clockwise command


If this command is selected, the structure presentation operations (e.g. 3D rotation, zoom, pan) become continuous operations.

Menu: View > Rotation > Continuous command

Work in 3D:

Global Work Plane...

Option defines the work plane coordinate for definition of the structure. Selection of this option results in changing the cursor shape. Once the cursor is positioned in the appropriate dialog, the plane is defined by simply pressing the left mouse button.

Menu: View > Work in 3D > Global Work Plane... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):


Selecting this command allows you to define a structure on the zx plane with the 3D structure view.

Menu: View > Work in 3D > 3D ZX command


Selecting this command allows you to define a structure on the xy plane with the 3D structure view.

Menu: View > Work in 3D > 3D XY command


Selecting this command allows you to define a structure on the yz plane with the 3D structure view.

Menu: View > Work in 3D > 3D YZ command


Selecting this command allows you to define a structure in 3D space with the 3D structure view.

Menu: View > Work in 3D > 3D XYZ command

Local System Definition by 3 points...

Once this option is selected a local working plane is defined. The plane is generated on the basis of three selected points. The first of the defined points is also the beginning of the local co-ordinate system.

Menu: View > Work in 3D > Local System Definition by 3 Points... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):

ViewCube - Properties..

The option lets you specify the ViewCube appearance settings. ViewCube is a 3D interactive navigation tool that lets you reorient a view and set the current orientation of a structure model. Clicking a predefined face, edge or corner on the ViewCube, you can reorient the view of a model. Moreover, clicking and dragging the ViewCube lets you reorient the model to different directions.

Menu: View > ViewCube - Properties... command


Selecting this command results in opening the Display Attributes dialog and structure attributes may be selected for display. Shortcut: VV.

Menu: View > Display... command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

Legend Parameters...

The option allows displaying legend for the defined structure on the screen. The legend contains additional descriptions displayed on screen; depending on the display options, the legend may consist, as an example, of a list of sections, groups or names of cases.

Menu: View > Legend Parameters... command

See also: Legend parameters


Restore Deleted Descriptions

Selecting this command results in displaying descriptions hidden by the user.

Menu: View > Descriptions > Restore Deleted Descriptions command

Default Description Position

Selecting this command results in restoring default position to the descriptions moved by the user.

Menu: View > Descriptions > Default Description Position command

Delete Additional Descriptions

Selecting this option deletes all comments entered by the user.

Menu: View > Descriptions > Delete Additional Descriptions command


Grid Step Definition...

Once this option is selected (appears), the cursor will be automatically moved to the next grid node.

Menu: View > Grid > Grid Step Definition... command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

See also: Grid Step

Adjust Automatically

Selecting this command allows you to set automatically the grid step displayed on the screen.

Menu: View > Grid > Adjust Automatically command


Selecting this command allows you to switch on/off the grid displayed on the screen.

Menu: View > Grid > Turn-on/Turn-off command


Selecting this command allows you to switch on/off the ruler on the viewer.

Menu: View > Grid > Ruler command


Selecting this command results in opening the Tables dialog. If any of the result tables available therein is selected and there are no current results of structure calculations, structure calculation will start and once they are completed the selected result values will be displayed.

Menu: View > Tables... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (Structure model):

See also: Tables


Selecting this command results in opening the dialog where the history of previously performed operations of zooming in/out is presented.

Menu: View > History... command

This option is also available in the toolbar (View):

See also: History

Table Zoom:

The options described above refer to the menu defining the structure but part of them is also available in the table menu. The following options are also available in the table menu:

Zoom In

Zooms in on the table content display.

Menu: View > Table Zoom > Zoom In command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

Zoom Out

Zooms out of the table content display.

Menu: View > Table Zoom > Zoom Out command

This option is also available in the toolbar:

Zoom All

Restores the initial table content display.

Menu: View > Table Zoom > Zoom All command


Filters structure components (nodes, elements, cases, modes).

Menu: View > Filters... command

Table Columns..

Selects structure parameters (supports, reactions, internal forces, displacements, etc.) for presentation in the table.

Menu: View > Table Columns... command

Save Table Template

Selecting this option results in saving the current table layout. This layout will be used in all tables of the same type.

Menu: View > Save Table Template command

Default Table Template

Selecting this option results in restoring a default table layout from a table pattern (model) for this type of tables.

Menu: View > Default Table Template command