Rigid Links

This option defines rigid links in a structure. A rigid link is used to model completely rigid elements of elastic structures (definition of a rigid body in a structure). Displacements and rotations defined for a rigid link can be limited to certain selected degrees of freedom.

Basic information about defining rigid links in a structure:

Defining a rigid link between nodes is the same as introducing rigid compatibility conditions with respect to all displacements in these nodes. All nodes linked with a primary node constitute a group of nodes comparable to a rigid body.

Note: The selection of the degrees of freedom applies only to secondary nodes of a rigid link (the connection of the primary node with the rigid body uses all degrees of freedom).

For example, linear displacements can be blocked, while rotations can be allowed. The first node is the primary node, while the remaining ones are secondary nodes.

The use of rigid links can be illustrated by defining a floor which is rigid in its plane, whereas, in the direction perpendicular to the floor plane, it is pliant. A rigid link is defined as a rigid membrane linked with a primary node, to which secondary nodes with a selected set of degrees of freedom are attached. (To achieve full rigidity, all degrees of freedom for the secondary nodes should be selected.) When using rigid links, it is possible to model a membrane (see the following image) - the directions UZ RX RY RZ in the secondary nodes are released.

  1. Secondary Node 1
  2. Secondary Node 2
  3. Primary Node
  4. Rigid Body

Open the Rigid Links dialog for defining the rigid links in the structure, using either method:

The Rigid Links dialog box has the following elements:

At the top of the dialog are the following:

Note: The rigid links option can be used only in the types of structures that allow for rotational degrees of freedom. Therefore, you cannot define a rigid in the following types of structures: 2D truss, 3D truss, stress plane, deformation plane, axisymmetic structures, and volumetric structures.

A node can be defined as a secondary node only in one rigid link. Therefore, the following notation is not correct:

1 2 3 4 LIN 10

1 6 7 LIN 9.

Note: Secondary nodes must not also be defined as rigid type supports. They can be defined as elastic type supports.
Note: Secondary nodes must not be defined as nodes compatible with other nodes. Primary nodes can have compatibility defined with other nodes.
Note: You cannot use a rotated support in the primary node of a rigid link for the selected degrees of freedom.

Similar to defining other attributes, the definition of a rigid link has 2 steps:

To delete a rigid link from the structure:

  1. Click on the active rigid link list
  2. Select an object in the structure you want to delete the rigid link from.

You cannot modify this type of rigid link; it is assigned the same way as the rigid link properties are to a structure element.

After the new rigid link is added, its symbol displays.