The link between the Autodesk® Inventor®- Frame Analysis and the Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis programs allows for mechanical simulation and design of the steel frame structure.
The Autodesk Inventor program is used to design 3D mechanical models and to create design documentation. The program contains the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator module which allows to model steel frames for mechanical devices. The Autodesk Inventor Frame Analysis (FA) allows further simulation of the frame structure. Once the support conditions and loads are defined, the structure behavior analysis can be carried out. As a result, the structure displacement, the internal forces and the stresses can be obtained.
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis (Robot) is a structural analysis and design software application. It is capable of analyzing virtually any type and shape of a structure as well as designing elements of this structure (steel, RC, timber elements).
The module for the Autodesk Inventor Frame Analysis - Robot integration allows you to perform:
The results are presented in the FA module.
The structure analysis in the FA module is based on the Robot internal analysis kernel.
It is possible to carry out further analysis of the structure after transferring the structure model to the Robot program. Robot will perform the following types of analysis:
The data exchange is unilateral. The model saved in the RTD file is updated after it is changed in the FA module. Modifications made in Robot cannot be sent to the FA module.
The static model considers the following attributes of the member elements within the scope offered by the Autodesk Inventor Frame Analysis module: