Complex section

Access the option by clicking the Complex section tab in the Parametrized sections dialog. The following dialog displays:

The dialog provides nine types of the complex sections most often used (sections are selected in the Section type field in the top right part of the dialog box):

- Two C-sections (set face to face or back to back)

- Two I-sections

- C-section and I-section (C-section set face to face or back to back)

- Two angles and I-section

- Four angles set face to face

- Four angles with legs back to back

- Two angles in the shape of 'T' (set with shorter or longer legs back to back)

- Two angles in the shape of 'C' (set with shorter or longer legs face to face)

- Two angles in the shape of a cross.

For some types of complex sections the Complex sections - welded option is available. If selected, then chords of a complex section are joined with welds along the section length.

Definition of a family of complex sections

To define a family (group) of complex sections:

Note: Certain section types (e.g. 4 angles) require definition of two different chord sections and two different chord spacings depending on the lattice plane (b,d).

Method of complex section generation

A family of complex sections based on the initial data is automatically generated. The first section in a family of complex sections is composed of the initial sections spaced in d distance. Successive complex sections are generated without changing the dimensions of the chord section, through increasing the spacing d by the increment value dd until the value dmax is reached. After reaching the spacing dmax, the chord section is increased by one size and generates next complex sections starting again with the spacing d and continuing to increase it until the value dmax is reached. Sections are generated until the end of the database is reached, i.e. until there is no possibility to select the next section.


Complex section

Chord section (initial section) - C240

Chord spacing - d=25 cm

Increment dd = 5 cm

Maximum spacing dmax = 30 cm

A section family named e.g.: 2CF consisting of 9 sections is generated. The generation will end at the last section of the C-section family C300. Below are presented the generated sections:

2CF(d25) C 240

2CF(d30) C 240

2CF(d35) C 240

2CF(d25) C 260

2CF(d30) C 260

2CF(d35) C 260

2CF(d25) C 300

2CF(d30) C 300

2CF(d35) C 300

The method of generation of sections which require definition of two spacings (horizontal d and vertical b) is analogous to that for sections with a single spacing. Spacings b and d are changed simultaneously by the values dd and db.

The above dialogs defines the generation procedure for new families of complex sections. The actual generation of sections takes place in the process of member group design with the use of defined parameterized families.

See also:

Complex section - parameters