Mesh quality

Using this option, you can check the quality of a finite element (FE) mesh created for selected panels. The option is available by:

After the command is selected, the Mesh Quality dialog displays.

Each triangle of an FE mesh has a determined proportion coefficient. The mesh is checked with respect to these coefficients. The Q1 and Q2 mesh quality parameters are determined globally for the selected panels:

In order to determine the quality of a mesh:

The values of global quality coefficients (Q1 and Q2) will be calculated for all panels. If the panels contain finite elements for which the proportion coefficient is smaller than the assumed precision, the numbers of these panels will be listed under Elements that do not meet the criterion, and the respective elements will be highlighted in the graphical viewer. The calculated values of coefficients Q1 and Q2 are reference parameters for determining the value of precision and for identifying elements of bad quality.

See also:

Description of calculation of mesh quality coefficients of finite elements