Manual Verification - STAS 10108/0-78

Options in the Manual verification dialog box allow verification of a steel member for the force values defined by the user, according to the requirements of the Romanian steel code STAS 10108/0-78. This dialog box is called up by the following menu command: Analysis > Bar Structure Design > Steel\ Aluminum Members Design > Manual Calculations. Then the below-presented dialog box appears on screen.

To run verification of a structure member subjected to the action of internal forces defined by the user, follow the steps below:

  1. in the Verification of member no. field select a member to be verified
  2. in the Internal forces in the analyzed section field enter values of the appropriate internal forces (the units used are presented in the top right corner of the dialog box)
  3. after pressing the Torsion button define the design forces resulting from the torsion analysis
  4. in the Internal forces in characteristic cross-sections field enter values of the relevant internal forces on the left and right ends of a member and along the member length (the units used are presented in the top right corner of the dialog box)
  5. determine load level, load type and patterns of distribution of bending moments (by pressing the appropriate icons, which results in opening the dialog boxes)
  6. after pressing the Options button select calculation options
  7. press the Calculations button.

After pressing the Calculations button the program will perform verification of a member and next, once it is completed, the dialog box presenting the calculation results will appear on screen.

Note: In calculations run in the Manual verificationdialog box internal bracings defined in the Member definitiondialog box are not taken into account and a member is treated as the one without bracings over its length.