Analysis Result and Legend Element Properties

After performing an analysis and applying an analysis display style to the view, you can modify properties of an individual analysis result or its legend.

Analysis Result

Select the analysis display in the drawing area to adjust the Analysis Results properties.

Name Description
Analysis Configuration Specifies the analysis configuration to display in the model. The available list is populated by the analysis extension creating the data.
Data Range Either Current Data or All Data. Current Data displays the minimum through maximum extents of the currently selected result. All Data displays the minimum through maximum extents of all analysis configurations.
Description Displays analysis result description. This data is populated by the add-in application.
Results Visibility Click Edit to view and modify visibility options for the analysis results.
Overall Legend  
Show Configuration Name Specifies the name that displays at the bottom of the analysis legend for the selected analysis configuration.
Show Description Displays the data description at the bottom of the analysis legend.
Overall Legend Text Select font properties for the legend text.


Select the legend in the drawing area to adjust the Legend Element properties.

Name Description


Specifies the overall color range width of the legend.


Specifies the overall color range height of the legend.