German VOB Standard Calculation Rules for Buildingbook

Learn the rules used by the German VOB Standard to calculate quantities for building parts.

The VOB Standard requires some special rules for calculating quantities. In addition to real quantities for joins, interactions, layers, parts, and assemblies, the VOB specifies rules for ignoring openings in walls.

Calculation rules differ according to trade, especially regarding subtraction of openings (sub-areas). For example, the VOB defines the following opening measurements systems:

These rules were defined to simplify the process of hand calculation, such as ignoring smaller openings or applying basic mathematical methods for calculating complex building parts. Because a CAD system provides precise quantity calculations, the VOB rules can complicate the process, as they represent arbitrary rules that are only applied in specific cases that are not always clearly defined. For this reason, a CAD-based quantity calculation can't always be performed by the system and will require user input.

The Subelements dialog contains the following more detailed information:

The Yes/No options can also be manually set. If you want to apply global changes, you should adjust the VOB Standard Calculation Rules and re-calculate.