Boundary Condition Properties

View and modify the parameters that define the instance properties of boundary conditions.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description
Structural Analysis
Orient to Either Project or Host Local Coordinate System. Selects the coordinate system with which to orient the boundary condition. Project specifies the global XYZ coordinates of the project and Host Local Coordinate System specifies the XYZ coordinates in relation to the orientation of the host.
Boundary Conditions Type Read only parameter specifying the boundary condition type as placed. Either Point, Line, or Area.
State Either Fixed, Pinned, Roller, or User. Specifies the type of boundary condition applied to the analytical model. If the State is specified to User, than the Translations and Rotations of each coordinate of the boundary conditions can be specified.
Translation in
X Translation Either Fixed, Release, or Spring. Specifies the type of condition applied to the X translation.
X Spring Modulus Formula specifying the force necessary to deflect a spring in the X direction. Spring must be defined as the translation to adjust this formula.
Y Translation Either Fixed, Release, or Spring. Specifies the type of condition applied to the Y translation.
Y Spring Modulus Formula specifying the force necessary to deflect a spring in the Y direction. Spring must be defined as the translation to adjust this formula.
Z Translation Either Fixed, Release, or Spring. Specifies the type of condition applied to the Z translation.
Z Spring Modulus Formula specifying the force necessary to deflect a spring in the Z direction. Spring must be defined as the translation to adjust this formula.
Rotation about (Point and Line Boundary Conditions Only)
X Rotation Either Fixed, Release, or Spring. Specifies the type of condition applied to a specific coordinate.
X Spring Modulus Formula specifying the force necessary to deflect a spring about the X rotation. Spring must be defined as the translation to adjust this formula.
Y Rotation (Point Boundary Conditions Only) Either Fixed, Release, or Spring. Specifies the type of condition applied to a specific coordinate.
Y Spring Modulus Formula specifying the force necessary to deflect a spring about the Y rotation. Spring must be defined as the translation to adjust this formula.
Z Rotation (Point Boundary Conditions Only) Either Fixed, Release, or Spring. Specifies the type of condition applied to a specific coordinate.
Z Spring Modulus Formula specifying the force necessary to deflect a spring about the Z rotation. Spring must be defined as the translation to adjust this formula.