Area Properties

To see or change area properties, select an area and see the Properties palette.

Name Description
Level The level on which the area resides. This is a read-only value.
Area Total area within area boundaries. This is a read-only value.
Perimeter The perimeter of the area boundaries. This is a read-only value.
Identity Data
Number The value for this parameter is automatically generated when you add an area to a project. You can modify the value of this parameter using numbers, characters, or a combination of numbers and characters. You will receive a duplicate value message if the same value for the number parameter is used for 2 areas in an area scheme. You can add this parameter to a schedule, and it can display in an area tag.
Name Area name.
Comments Specific comments about the area.
Area Type Type of area.
Note: Changing the area type alters the position of area boundaries created with the Apply Area Rules options. See About Area Types for type rules.