Ramp Instance Properties

Modify instance properties to change an individual ramp's levels, offsets, graphics, and more.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description
Base Level Sets the base of the ramp.
Base Offset Sets the ramp's height from its base level.
Top Level Sets the top of the ramp.
Top Offset Sets the ramp's offset from the top level.
Multistory Top Level Sets the top of the ramp in a multi-story building.
Up text Specifies the up text.
Down text Specifies the down text.
Up label Indicates whether the up text appears.
Down label Indicates whether the down text appears.
Show Up arrow in all views Indicates whether the up arrow appears in all views.
Width Width of the ramp.
Identity Data
Comments Specific comments about the ramp.
Mark A unique identifier for the ramp.
Phase Created The phase when the ramp was created. See Create a phase.
Phase Demolished The phase when the ramp was demolished. See About Demolishing Elements.