Floor Slab Edge Instance Properties

Modify instance properties to change its angle and offsets. Floor slab edges are classified under host sweeps.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description
Vertical profile offset Moves the slab edge above or below the edge on which you created it.
Horizontal profile offset Moves the slab edge forward or backward from the edge on which you created it.
Length The actual length of the slab edge.
Volume (Slab edges only) The actual volume of the slab edge.
Identity Data
Comments A field for placing general comments about the slab edge.
Mark A label created for the slab edge. Possible use: shop mark. This value must be unique for each element in a project. Revit warns you when the number value is already used but allows you to continue using it. You can see the warning using the Review Warnings tool. See Reviewing Warning Messages.
Phase Created Indicates in which phase the slab edge component was created. See Project Phasing.
Phase Demolished Indicates in which phase the slab edge component was demolished. See Project Phasing.
Angle Rotates the slab edge to the desired angle.