Video: Sketching Hosted Railings

Sketch a railing and host it to different elements in the model. Changes to the host will modify the railing geometry.

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Select a host for a railing.
  2. Host a railing to the top of a wall.
Note: This video was recorded using Revit 2017. When using a newer software release, you may notice differences in functionality and user interface.


You can sketch railings onto the top surfaces of floors, slabs, walls, and roofs. When you sketching railings onto host elements other than stairs, the balusters and railings will adjust to follow the slopes and curves of irregular surfaces. ​

In this video, we will add railings along a walkway and ornamental guardrails along a retaining wall. On the Architecture tab, click the Sketch Path tool under Railing. ​

In the Type Selector, select the railing type. Click Pick New Host on the Tools panel. Select the floor element for the walkway. ​

Sketch the first railing using the Draw tools. Click Finish to place the railing. Repeat the steps to select the host and sketch a railing for the other side of the walkway. ​

The process is the same for the top surface of walls. Click Railing, and then select the guardrail railing type. Click Preview on the Options tab to view the railing while it is being sketched. ​

Click Pick New Host and then select the curved retaining wall. Use the Draw tools to sketch the path of the railing using the Chain option. In the Properties palette, you can adjust offsets from the base level or sketched path, if necessary. ​

Notice that the placement of the balusters and the curvature of the railing adjust to meet the geometry of the host. ​

Sketching the path of a railing allows for efficient placement of railings along the surface of a host.