Video: Place a Railing

Add a railing to a stair that has already been placed in the model.

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Add a railing to an existing stair element.
  2. Control the location of the new rail.
Note: This video was recorded using Revit 2013. When using a newer software release, you may notice differences in functionality and user interface.


When you create a stair by component, you can choose to have a railing created automatically. There may be situations where you want to place a railing on an existing stair or ramp that does not already have a railing. ​

On the Circulation panel, click the Railing drop-down, and click Place on Host. ​

For a stair, you can select to position the railing on the treads or the stringers. ​

In the Type Selector, select the type of railing you wish to place. You can also change the type after the railing is placed. ​

When you move the cursor over a stair or ramp in the drawing area, the object highlights to indicate it is a valid host. You cannot place a railing on a stair or ramp that already has a railing. ​

Click to place the railing. Notice that the railing is placed on both sides of the stair and all connections are created automatically.