Model Text Type Properties

Modify type properties to change the font, size, and other aspects for an entire family of model text.

To change type properties, select an element and click Modify tabProperties panel (Type Properties). Changes to type properties apply to all instances in the project.

Name Description
Text Font Sets the model text font.
Text Size Sets the text size.
Bold Sets the typeface to bold.
Italic Sets the typeface to italic.
Identity Data
Keynote Add or edit the model text keynote. Click in the value box to open the Keynotes dialog. See Keynotes.
Model Definition of the model text model.
Manufacturer Definition of the model text manufacturer.
Type Comments Model text comments.
URL Sets applicable URL.
Description Model text description.
Assembly Description Description of the assembly based on the assembly code selection.
Assembly Code Uniformat assembly code selected from a hierarchical list.
Type Mark Sets the model text type mark.
Cost The model text cost.