Roll Back a Workshared Project

If you need to revert to an earlier version of a workshared project, roll back to a backup file of the project.

Important: Rollbacks cannot be undone. When you roll back a project, all backup versions subsequent to the selected version are lost. Ensure that you want to roll back the project before continuing, and save any later versions, if necessary.
  1. Click Collaborate tabSynchronize panel (Restore Backup).
  2. In the Browse for Folder dialog, navigate to the backup folder for the project.

    To see the central model backups, browse to the central backup folder.

    To see the local file backups, browse to the local backup folder. For example, if the local file is named myproject.rvt, then browse to the backup folder myproject_backup to perform a rollback.

  3. Click Open.
  4. In the Project Backup Versions dialog, select a version.
  5. Click Rollback.
  6. Click OK to continue the rollback, or click Cancel.
    Note: If your local copy of the central model has a version number greater than the version number the central model was rolled back to, you will need to open the central model and save a new local copy.
  7. Click Close.