Disable Worksharing

If needed, you can disable worksharing in a model that has been workshared.

Note that after disabling worksharing, your model becomes out of sync with the central model. However, you can re-enable worksharing for the model at a later time. Just as enabling worksharing requires careful planning and coordination, removing a model from the workshared environment should be carefully planned and communicated to your team.

  1. Click File tab Open.
  2. Select a workshared model.
  3. In the Open dialog, select Detach from Central.
  4. Click Open.

    The default file name for the model is the original filename with "_detached" appended. You can change the default name when you save the model.

  5. In the task dialog, specify whether to preserve or discard worksets.

    If you choose to discard worksets, you discard the worksets and all related element assignments and visibility settings. These cannot be restored. However, you can create new worksets in the model.

    If you detach from the central model, you cannot synchronize with other user's edits to the central model.

  6. Save the model.