Upgrade a Workshared Project

To upgrade a workshared project to the current release of Revit, you only need to upgrade the central model.

  1. If the central model contains linked Revit models, upgrade the linked model files before upgrading the central model.
  2. Instruct all team members to synchronize with central, relinquish all elements, and close their local copies of the central model.
  3. Use Windows Explorer to make a copy of the central model and its backup folder.

    The backup copy is for use only if the upgraded central model becomes corrupted.

  4. Start the new release of Revit, and open the central model.
    Tip: Open the central model with the Audit option to identify and fix any possible corrupt elements. This process is more time consuming, but will prevent potential problems.

    The central model is upgraded to the new release. Depending on the size of the model, this process may take some time to complete.

  5. Click File tab Save As (Project).
  6. In the Save As dialog, click Options, and in the File Save Options dialog, select Make this a Central Model after save.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Navigate to the directory with the upgraded central model, and rename the file, if desired.
  9. Click Save.
    Note: Backups of the central model will restart, after it has been upgraded in this manner.
  10. Instruct all team members to open the central model and create a local copy of it using File tab Save AsProject. Alternatively, use the Create New Local option in the Open dialog.