About Pending Requests

Use the Editing Requests pane in Worksharing Monitor to review pending requests for borrowing elements and for granting access to elements.

The Editing Requests pane lists the following:

When a request is granted, denied, or retracted, its information moves to the Editing Requests history. If a request is sent to multiple recipients, it displays on the Editing Requests pane as long as it has not been fully granted and none of the recipients has denied it.

Note: To receive a desktop alert when your editing request is granted or denied, or when someone is sending a request to you, set options for editing requests. See Set Options in Worksharing Monitor.

For each pending request, the Editing Requests pane shows the sender, recipient, status, related Revit project file, and time when the request was initially sent.

If a user name is listed in gray, that user is not currently using Worksharing Monitor or does not have the requested project file open. As a result, Worksharing Monitor cannot notify the user of pending requests. You must use another method to contact the user about the request. Worksharing Monitor issues a notification when it cannot contact a user about an editing request.

The Status column shows the following: