Close Workshared Files without Saving

If you close your local model without saving changes to a workshared project, the Changes Not Saved dialog displays.

The following sections describe the options.

Synchronize with Central

This option saves your changes to the central model. The default settings are selected, including saving your changes to the local model. Also, any changes that have been saved from other team members are copied to your local model.

Save Locally

This option saves your changes to the local model without synchronizing them with the central model and displays the Save Changes to Local File dialog. Because you did not Synchronize with Central, you still own any elements you modified.

You have the following options:

Do Not Save the Project

This option discards any changes you made to the local model. It has no effect on your last save to the local model. This option rolls back the state of your local model to the last time you saved it and displays the Close Project Without Saving dialog.

You have the following options: