Drafting fill patterns can have different orientations to their host layers.
Orientation affects how drafting patterns display when used as cut patterns in host elements (walls, floors, roofs, ceilings).
Note: Drafting fill patterns used in detail components and filled regions are not affected by this setting.
The following examples show the same fill pattern used in a wall element applied with the different orientation options.
Orient to View. All patterns share the same orientation and origin with respect to paper, so they perfectly align at element transitions.
Keep Readable. This option mimics the behavior of text. Patterns align with the host element; however, patterns flip 90 degrees when the host is slanted 45, 135, 225, and 315 degrees. A right diagonal pattern always stays more or less right diagonal, and a 90 degree corner has a smooth transition. Patterns share the same origin with respect to paper.
Align with Element. Patterns align with the host element (such as a wall, floor, roof, or ceiling) and compute a good origin.
For information on applying these patterns, see
Creating a Simple Fill Pattern or
Creating a Custom Fill Pattern.