Analytical Model - Essential Skill

Learn how to work with the analytical model for structural analysis and design.

The analytical model, created automatically by Revit as you build the physical model, is used to perform the structural analysis and design. You export the analytical model to the analysis and design software.

Terms and Concepts

Term/Concept Definition
Analytical Model A representation of the structural physical model consisting of analytical elements, geometry, material properties, and loads. It is created automatically while creating the physical model. You export the analytical model to the structural analysis and design software.
Analytical Element Properties Instance parameters of an analytical element. They also display some properties directly from the physical element related to the selected analytical element.
Analytical Edit Mode An environment that allows you to adjust analytical elements by direct manipulation. When you enter this mode, the ribbon displays the tools needed to make adjustments to a selected analytical element.
Analytical Alignment Properties The instance parameters that you can use to adjust the location of an analytical element. If the Alignment Method is set to Auto-Detect, the analytical model is adjusted based on the tolerance settings. If the Alignment Method is set to Projection, you can select the location of the analytical model from the available projection options.
Auto-Detect The mechanism ensuring consistency of the analytical model; it connects analytical elements based on their proximity. You can specify Auto-Detect tolerance settings.
Structural Settings The dialog where you can add load cases and load combinations, and define settings for boundary conditions (supports) and analytical model settings.
Analytical Model Settings The tab in the Structural Settings dialog where you can define the tolerances for Auto-Detect and Analytical/Physical Model Consistency Check, and a list of Consistency Check criteria.


This video demonstrates the following:
  • Display the analytical model of a structure.
  • Display analytical element properties.
  • Use the tools for adjusting the analytical model.


This view represents the physical model of a building. The analytical model is a representation of the building required for structural analysis and design. To see the analytical model in a view, click the Show Analytical Model tool on the View Control Bar.

To work on the analytical model, open the Analytical Model view from the Project Browser. When you select an analytical element, instance properties display on the Properties palette. Use the drop-down list to display physical properties for the selected element.

The Analyze tab contains tools for defining loads and boundary conditions, and adjusting the analytical model. Click the dialog launcher to open the Structural Settings dialog. Use the Analytical Model Settings tab to specify auto-detect and consistency check tolerances.

To manually adjust the analytical model, click Analytical Adjust. Select an analytical element to display its direct manipulation controls. To make further adjustments, use the Modify tools: Align, Move, Pin and Delete. After you have completed adjusting the analytical element, click Finish to save changes.

You can reset an analytical element to its original shape or location by clicking Analytical Reset and selecting the element.