Select a Panel or Transformer for the Power Circuit

Before you can add wire, you must select a distribution panel or transformer for each power circuit.

  1. Click Modify | Electrical Circuits tabSystem Tools panel.
  2. Specify a panel or transformer:

    1. In the Panel drop-down list, select a panel or transformer.
    2. Click in the Search box and begin typing the name of a panel or transformer.
  3. Panels are listed in alphabetical order with the current panel listed at the top. The three most recently used panels for the selected distribution system are listed at the bottom. The most recently used list is filtered by connector classification, voltage, and poles.

Note: If the panel you selected does not have unassigned slots and has spares/spaces that are not locked, you are prompted to replace a spare/space with this circuit.

Dashed lines show a temporary representation of the wiring. See Add Permanent Wiring to a Circuit.