Revit treats the data imported from
Trimble® SketchUp® as a complicated collection of geometry that may require more steps to manipulate. However, you can change the layer settings from
Trimble® SketchUp® to improve the results.
For example, to assign colors or materials on a by-layer basis, click Manage tab

Settings panel

Object Styles, and change settings on the Imported Objects tab.
Note: Changing the object styles only affects the objects that have a default material on that particular layer in SketchUp.
When you import a
Trimble® SketchUp® design into a
Revit mass family and then load the mass family into a
Revit project, it is possible to convert mass faces (from the design) into walls, floors, and roofs. (See
Importing Massing Studies from Other Applications.) However, we don't recommend this workflow, and the results are not always predictable. In general, simpler model geometry has a greater likelihood of being converted correctly.
When creating content in
Trimble® SketchUp® for use in
Revit, consider the following restrictions:
Exploding 3D data: In
Revit, you will not be able to explode 3D data. If you try this, 3D faces will disappear, and you will receive a warning message.
Parameters: In
Revit, you cannot add parameters to control geometric flexing. However, you can add some controls that manipulate imported data, such as the location of an imported element and its material assignments.
Visibility/graphics: In
Revit, you cannot manipulate the geometry or isolate parts of whole elements with visibility/graphics settings.
Two-sided surfaces: If a material or color is assigned to only one side of a surface in
Trimble® SketchUp®,
Revit applies the material or color to both sides of the surface by default. If there is material on both sides of the surface,
Revit applies the Face 1 material to both sides. If faces are flipped and painted differently in
Trimble® SketchUp®, they may not display the correct material in
Properties: The following
Trimble® SketchUp® properties are currently not supported in
Revit import: Texture Image Maps, “Smooth” Curved Surfaces, Text and Dimensions, Raster Images, and saved “Pages”.
Cut planes: Imports cannot be cut by a cut plane unless imported into a cuttable family category. See
Cuttable Families.
SketchUp and massing: Not all
Trimble® SketchUp® imports are appropriate to massing. In general, simpler geometry, such as a model that could represent a solid, may import successfully. More complex geometry, such as models with small holes, may not import correctly. See
About Imported Geometry. Also see
Importing Massing Studies from Other Applications.
Scaling: Groups or components that have been scaled in their entirety with the
Trimble® SketchUp® Scaling tool may be incorrectly scaled when imported to
Revit. Exploded
Trimble® SketchUp® models should import at the correct scale. To get the best results, explode models in Sketchup before importing them.