Image Instance Properties

Modify instance properties to change an image's size, scale and behavior.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description
Width Indicates the width of a selected image in the current view after scaling.
Height Indicates the height of a selected image in the current view after scaling.
Horizontal Scale Indicates an image's horizontal scale relative to the model. You can adjust an imported image's horizontal scale to match the model in the current view.
Vertical Scale Indicates an image's vertical scale relative to the model. You can adjust an imported image's vertical scale to match the model in the current view.
Lock Proportions Select to lock the height and width proportions of the image. Locking the image size maintains the image's aspect ratio.
Enable Snaps Enable the ability to snap to vector data in an imported PDF file.
Draw Layer Select to place the image in the background or foreground of a view. If the image is placed in the foreground, it is positioned in front of model elements in the view. If the image is placed in the background, it is positioned behind model elements in the view.