Video: Adding Elements to a Group

Use groups to easily replicate element clusters in your Revit model

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Adding elements to a group.
  2. Editing group properties.
  3. Excluding elements from a grou.
Note: This video was recorded using Revit 2022. When using a newer software release, you may notice differences in functionality and user interface.


Add groups to your Revit project to easily add multiple copies of the same elements across your Revit model.

In this video, we'll create a group from a cubicle cluster, copy that group to expand the cubicle network, exclude objects from a group instance, and edit the group properties.

To create a group, select model elements that you wish to include in your group. In this case, we'll select this cubicle cluster.

Under the Modify tab, and the Create panel, click Create Group.

You will now be prompted to name the group.

Name the group "Cubicle".

Click finish. When you select your group, X and Y coordinate tags will appear over the group.

You can use these coordinate tags to determine the origin of the group when dragging and setting the group.

Select the coordinate origin and set it to the upper left most point of the cubicle. This will allow us to easily move the group.

You can copy the group to other areas, by selecting the group and using the Copy tool, or by right clicking the group and selecting Create Similar from the menu.

In this case, let's use the Copy tool. Select the cubicle group and click Copy in the Modify panel.

You can now arrange a row of cubicles by copying the group and placing the copies next to each other.

Click Enter to finish setting the copied groups.

Say we want to dedicate one cubicle space for office supply storage. We can exclude furniture from a single group instance. Hover over a furniture element and press tab.

Next, click the furniture element. You can click the Group Member icon to exclude the furniture item from the group. Apply this step to as many furniture elements as you wish. You can also edit elements within a group.

Let's say we want to change the size of the desk in the cubicle to make room for an extra chair. Select the group and click Edit Group in the Modify tab.

Next, select the desk in the group.

In the Edit Type window, change the width of the desk to 700mm and click apply and OK.

The changes to the desk width are made to all group instances containing the desk.

Use groups in your Revit model to easily re-use grouped elements in your Revit model.