Foundation Slab Analysis Properties

Modify the analytical properties of the foundation slab to accommodate structural analysis tools and procedures.

To change structural analytical properties, select the element. In the Properties palette, select the element specific analytical properties from the Properties filter.

Name Description
Comments User comments.
Analytical Model
Analyze as If set to Foundation, the slab will provide support for other elements connected to it. If set to Slab on Grade, the slab will only support itself.

See Verifying the Analytical Model.

Analytical Properties
Family Type The family type of the element.
Physical Material Asset The name of a physical asset assigned to the foundation slab material (read-only).
Area The total area of the foundation slab.
Perimeter The total perimeter of the foundation slab.
Analytical Alignment
Alignment Method

Either Auto-detect or Projection. Specifies if the horizontal and vertical references of the slab are automatically justified or have a defined projection.

z Projection Either Top of Element, Center of Element, Bottom of Element, <Level...>, or <Reference Planes...>. Available when Alignment Method is specified as Projection.

If in sketch mode, this parameter will default to Floor/Slab edge for either the whole model sketch or just a sketch line.

Specifies the vertical location of the analytical model at the base of the slab.

Identity Data
Surface Number An identifier created for the analytical surface. This value should be unique across Analytical Floors, Analytical Foundation Slabs and Analytical Walls in a project. Revit warns you if the number is already used but allows you to continue using it. You can see the warning using the Review Warnings tool. See Reviewing Warning Messages.
Comments User comments.
Phase Created Indicates in which phase the foundation was created. See Project Phasing
Phase Demolished Indicates in which phase the foundation was demolished. See Project Phasing