Modify a Rebar Hook

Manually adjust rebar hook orientation and location when sketching or modifying rebar.

  1. Move tie and stirrup hooks. Select the rebar.
  2. Press the SPACEBAR to rotate the rebar shape and hook orientation.
  3. Invert hook orientation. Select the rebar.
  4. Click Modify | Structural Rebar tabMode panel (Edit Sketch).
  5. Click to invert the hook orientation.
  6. Click Modify | Structural Rebar > Edit Rebar Sketch tabMode panel (Finish Edit Mode) to view the orientation of the hook.
  7. Swap hook ends. Select the rebar.
  8. Click Modify | Structural Rebar tabMode panel (Edit Sketch).
  9. Click the Swap Hook Control to swap the hooks at each end of the placed rebar.
  10. Click Modify | Structural Rebar Edit Rebar Sketch tabMode panel (Finish Edit Mode).
  11. Rotate hooks. Select the rebar.
  12. In the Properties palette, modify the Hook Rotation at Start and/or Hook Rotation at End parameters.
  13. Click Modify | Structural Rebar tabMode panel (Edit Sketch). In the Properties palette, modify the Hook Rotation at Start and/or Hook Rotation at End parameters.
  14. Click Modify | Structural Rebar tabMode panel (Edit Family). Click Modify tab Properties panel (Family Types). In the Rebar Shape Parameters dialog, modify the Hook Rotation at Start and/or Hook Rotation at End parameters.