Free Form Rebar Surface Distribution

Free form rebar surface distribution populates the surfaces of irregularly shaped hosts with variable non-planar distribution.

The bars are created by interpolating between the first and last bars of a surface distribution set. The curves follow the host surface geometry and respect the cover of the host. First, the intersection of the start surface and the host surface places the first bar. Next, the intersection of the end surface and the host surface places the second bar. Finally, the remaining bars (as specified in the rebar set layout) interpolate between the first and last bars.

Rebar cover

Free form rebar surface distribution respects the cover offset of the host and is placed from the intersection of the specified reference faces. In instances when multiple faces have different cover offsets, the greater cover is used to place all free form segments.

When you specify the Style property of free form rebar to Stirrup/Tie, you can change the Stirrup/Tie Attachment for the Stirrup/Tie value of the Style parameter, the free form bar can be attached to either the inside or the outside of the concrete cover, depending on the setting of the Stirrup/Tie Attachment parameter.