Use brace tools to add diagonal members that are connected to beams and columns.
Structure tabStructure panel (Brace)
Topics in this section
About Braces
Braces attach themselves to beams and columns and adjust parametrically to changes in the building design.
Add a Structural Brace
Create braces by sketching a line between two structural elements. For example, braces can appear between a structural column and a structural beam.
Modify a Structural Brace
After adding a brace element, you can modify the brace properties to control how the brace maintains position along a beam.
Brace Instance Properties
Modify brace instance properties to change structural usage, offsets, justification, and more.
Brace Analysis Properties
Modify the analytical properties of the brace to accommodate structural analysis tools and procedures.
Brace Type Properties
Modify brace type properties to change dimension, identity data, and more.
Brace Family Properties
Modify an brace family to define specific behaviors or Identity Data that apply across all types in that family.