Sketch free form rebar in place in 2D and 3D views.
When you sketch free form rebar created by sketch, the layout is fixed as a single bar and constraints cannot be altered.
- Before sketching free form rebar, create and set a work plane through the geometry of the host. You sketch the rebar on this work plane.
- Click Structure tab
Reinforcement panel
- Click Modify | Place Rebar
Placement Methods panel
(Sketch Rebar).
- In the drawing area, select the host for the free form rebar.
- In the Properties palette, under Construction, specify the Geometry parameter as Free Form.
- Sketch mode is enabled and the rebar cover lines are visible.
- Using the tools on the Modify | Create Rebar Sketch tab
Draw panel, sketch rebar in place.
When you sketch rebar, be sure to snap lines to the cover host cover. Overlapping lines will overlap rebar geometry as expected.
- When you complete the sketch, click Modify | Create Rebar Sketch tab
Mode panel
- The free form rebar geometry is created in the host as sketched. Adjust the instance properties in the Properties palette as needed.
To create shape driven rebar from the free form instance, under Construction, specify the Geometry parameter as Shape Driven. Shape driven rebar can be constrained and distributed in sets within the host.