Wall Foundation Type Properties

Modify type properties to change wall foundation parameters for structural usage, default thickness, toe lengths, heel lengths, and more.

To change type properties, select an element and click Modify tabProperties panel (Type Properties). Changes to type properties apply to all instances in the project.

Name Description
Materials and Finishes
Material Specifies the concrete type to be used.
Structural Usage Specifies the wall usage type: either Retaining or Bearing.
Toe Length Retaining walls only. Specifies the distance from the edge of the host wall to the outside face of the foundation.
Heel Length Retaining walls only. Specifies the distance from the edge of the host wall to the inside face of the foundation.
Width Bearing walls only. Specifies the overall width of the bearing wall foundation.
Foundation Thickness Specifies the foundation thickness.
Default End Extension Length Specifies the distance that the foundation will extend beyond the end of the wall.
Do Not Break At Inserts Specifies whether the foundation is continuous or breaks beneath inserts such as doors and windows that extend to the base of the wall.
Identity Data
Type Image Displays a user-defined image file that represents the element. See About Managing Images.
Model The manufacturer internal number.
Manufacturer The manufacturer of the element materials.
Type Comments A field for placing general comments about the element type. This information can be included in a schedule.
URL A link to a web page that may contain type-specific information.
Description Enter an optional description of the element.
Assembly Description Describes the assembly, based on the assembly code selection. This is a read-only parameter.
Assembly Code The Uniformat assembly code selected from a hierarchical list.
Type Mark A value that designates the particular element. This value must be unique for each element in a project. Revit warns you when the number value is already used, but allows you to continue using it. You can see the warning using the Review Warnings tool. See Reviewing Warning Messages.
Cost The pricing of the element.