Layers in the DWG File Do Not Display in the Project

When you link a file to the Revit project. some layers in the linked file do not display.

Issue: The layers may be hidden or deleted.

Solution: To determine whether the layers are hidden or deleted, click View tabGraphics panelVisibility/Graphics. On the Imported Categories tab, click to expand the DWG file. Revit lists the layers in the file.

Layers that are not listed here have been deleted; they are not available to the project. If you want to restore the layers, you must first delete the linked file and then link it to the project again. When linking, be sure that for Layers, you select All or Select.

If the Visibility option for a layer is cleared, the layer is hidden in the current view. To display the layer, select the Visibility option, and click OK. Revit displays the layer in the current view.