You may encounter this warning when the workset you are editing is no longer valid due to changes in the central model.
Warning: Your local file is not compatible with the central model.
- This could be due to an upgrade to a newer version of
Revit or because the central model was substituted with an unrelated model using the same name or because the central model was restored from a previous version.
- In addition to the reasons given in the warning, this might also happen if there are two users with the same username, or if someone is working directly in the central model.
- You must create a new local file and copy/paste any changes made to your original local file into the new model.
- Confirm that all users are using the same release of
- Check to make sure the central file wasn't substituted with an unrelated model using the same username.
- Check the Username field on the General tab in the
Options dialog to make sure each user has a unique username.
- Make sure nobody is working in the central file directly.