The family parameter Rotate with Component has been added to more tag categories. In addition, text rotation in section heads is improved.
The Rotate with Component property of annotation tags now works with most loadable family tags, including tags for specialty equipment, massing, generic model and furniture. This parameter adds flexibility when documenting projects. For a complete list of enabled tag categories, see Rotate Tag with Component.
By checking the Rotate with Component box in the properties of the tag family, the tag rotates to always orient to its N/S and E/W reference planes (from the Family Editor). When you upgrade the software, all tags have Rotate with Component unchecked to preserve existing behavior.
For section heads, the parameter Rotate With Component has been renamed to Rotate Text With Component. The text in a section head now rotates as the section head is rotated, and it's oriented to the angle of the section. See About Section Head Families.