This release includes updates for rebar end treatments, couplers connecting to arc-shaped rebar, and 3D solid fabric sheet visualisation.
End treatment without couplers for rebar: You can add an end treatment to the end of a bar without the need for a rebar coupler. You can specify end treatments for any rebar in the project without connecting that bar by a rebar coupler. See About Reinforcement End Treatments.
Couplers connecting arc-shaped rebar: You can use rebar couplers to connect tangent arc-shaped bars in circular concrete structures. Rebar can understand each other, driving behavior for rebar cages. See Place a Rebar Coupler.
3D solid fabric sheet visualization: You can view fabric sheets and custom fabric sheets in 3D views as solid or unobscured. See Create and Edit Custom Fabric Reinforcement Sheets.
These features are described on the product road map.