
3D Shapes
Improved the accuracy of volume and area computations for some very small or long, thin objects such as free-form rebar.
Added new API method Sketch.GetAllElements() to access ElementId of all elements owned by Sketch (ModelCurve, ReferencePlane, Dimension).
Added constants to the UnitTypeId and SymbolTypeId classes to identify new units and symbols.
Improved the performance with no obvious delay when using the API command: viewport.getlabeloutline when there is no viewport label is used.
Added two instance parameters "Station Prefix" and "Station Suffix" for alignment station label.
Exposed true start and end alignment station value in Revit API.
Provided a flip control for alignment station label so that customers could easily change the label position along the alignment.
Background Processes
Improved background process stability.
Category Visibility
Added eight new family categories related to Equipment and Building elements with the ability to enable cutting in view.
Enabled creating families for Road and Road Tag categories by starting from a generic model family template.
Enabled creating families for bridge-related categories by starting from a generic model family template.
Implemented SketchEditScope API to modify sketch-based elements, exposed Ceiling.SketchId property to get the Ceiling Sketch ID, and implemented Ceiling.Create() method to create a new ceiling.
Color Fill
Improved default color for the newly created color scheme definition to be lighter and modern for better visualization and printing.
Added some furniture, specialty equipment, and site families to the English Imperial library.
Added barrier-free facilities families into the Germany library.
DirectShape Elements
Added new API to provide user-defined identifiers for geometry in DirectShapes via ExternallyTaggedGeometry.

Added new API to provide user-defined identifiers for faces and edges created while using a BRepBuilder.
Improved import of 3DM to handle more complex models which use repeated geometry.
Added API to support adding nameable reference geometry to DirectShapes.
Changed the default Family name for DirectShapes to "Direct Shape" and enabled a custom Family name to be specified for DirectShapeType via API.
Dynamo Player
Updated npm dependency to address security protocol.
Dynamo for Revit
Upgraded Dynamo for Revit to Dynamo core 2.10.1 with new functionalities at [https://github.com/DynamoDS/Dynamo/wiki/Release-Notes#2101].
Enhanced the ability of working with annotations in Dynamo for Revit.
Enhanced the ability of working with views in Dynamo for Revit.
Enhanced the ability of working with sheets in Dynamo for Revit.
Fixed a tooltip issue for ExportOptions in the ScheduleView.Export node.
Added two new type driven parameters in dimension so that customers could easily add prefix or suffix to the dimension primary unit.
Provided a new option to set callout plan view as independent so that it could be preserved after its parent view is deleted.
Removed the redundant confirmation dialogue when customers click "ECS" but there is no change in the text editor.
Added the ability to add annotation: spot slope on ramp at plan, elevation, section and 3D views.
Added two phase parameters: phase created and phase demolished in view filter.
Remembered the settings of Modifying tools across Revit sessions, including: Copy, Move, Offset, Rotate, Mirror, Align, Scale, Split and Array.
Electrical Circuits
Added support for combined parameters for available spare/space parameters in a panel schedule.
Added support for user defined parameters (project parameter and shared parameter for Electrical Circuit category) in the electrical circuit naming scheme.
Electrical Panel Schedule
Added the ability to keep a spare on a single phase panel when upgrading a model, otherwise displaying a warning when the spare can't be corrected.
Added validation when entering the number of poles for a spare/space on a single phase panel.
Fixed an issue where the Phase doesn't display correctly when assigning a spare in single phase panel.
Renamed the "Load" option in Set Template Options for the panel schedule template to "Apparent Load".
Added support for Auto Shading in two-column panel schedules.
Exposed Opening.SketchId property to the public API. Allowed editing of Shaft openings (opening between two Levels) by SketchEditScope.
New API Level.GetNearestLevelId() methods to get closest Level at specified elevation.
Implement new Floor.Create() methods. Marked floor creation methods in Document.Create as obsoleted. Implemented Floor.GetDefaultFloorType() and Level.GetNearestLevelId() API methods.
FormIt Converter
Added the ability to create corresponding Revit levels while importing a FormIt model.
Added FormIt files to be a supported format in Import CAD Formats.
Added the ability to launch FormIt with specified Revit elements in a 3D view.
Added IsClosed method to API Mesh class.
Improved Hidden Line views to resolve an issue where model lines overlapping Room and Area fills were incorrectly producing hidden lines.
Improved Wireframe views to allow views with room color schemes in the foreground.
Improved stability of the display of onscreen controls.
Improved default lighting of Realistic views in the Family Editor.
Improved Realistic view display so that decals placed on displaced elements display in the correct location.
Improved Realistic view reflections so that elements with advanced materials now appear in the reflections of other elements.
Improved Realistic view display to resolve issues where some Advanced materials appeared black rather than reflective.
Improved Wireframe views so printed output will match the screen.
When upgrading a model, the Grids are hidden in the 3DView.
Corrected an issue where grouped detail items would display in the wrong orientation in some views after they were modified in another view.
Heating and Cooling Loads
Removed the Weather tab from the Location and Site dialog.
Removed the Heating and Cooling Loads feature in favor of Systems Analysis.
IFC propertyset definitions and the associated Revit shared parameter definitions have been updated with the latest IFC4 PSDs of version (partial update from the scope of IFC4 RV1.2 MVD).
Improved the IFC export UI to provide better support for IFC4 Geographic Coordinate Reference information.
Added the ability for IfcExporter to pick up information from SiteLocation regarding the GeoCoordinateReference in EPSG code format as required by IFC. It works with Project Base Point or Survey Point as Coordinate base.
Disabled the ability to create shared parameters with the same name when linking an IFC file.
Added the ability to export a predefined type for railings to an IFC file using the IfcExportAs parameter.
Added the ability to use the IfcExportAs parameter on standard walls to export as any valid IFC building element and predefined type.
Significantly improved the performance of linking in some IFC files containing elements with many parameters.
Removed built-in export configuration "IFC2x2 Singapore BCA ePlan-Check" and any saved configuration that uses this will be automatically assigned to "IFC2x3 Coordination View 2.0".
Improved performance when linking in IFC files that create elements with many properties.
Improved the positioning of some linked IFC models.
Achieved IFC4 Reference View certification for architectural export.
Achieved IFC4 Reference View certification for structural export.
Added the ability to export to IFC areas from 3D views when a section box is present, similar to how export of rooms work.
Added the ability to export a file to IFC with invalid values in the IfcGUID parameter.
Import from Inventor
Updated the error message displayed when importing an empty CAD model of certain formats.
Updated the names assigned to imported Rhino and SAT models to make use of metadata from the original source.
Import/Export Other
Added the ability to link 3DM files via the API method Document.Link.
Import/Export gbXML
Removed the Export gbXML preview UI and added the new analysis mode "Use Rooms or Spaces" in Energy Settings.
Import/Export/Link SAT/SKP
Fixed potential positioning and scaling issues when using Import SketchUp inside a Family environment.
Added the ability to link 3DM files via Link CAD.
Updated the view argument for the API methods Document.Import and Document.Link for DWG, DGN, SAT, and SKP to make it optional.
Prevented export of 2D views to SAT format.
Import/Export/Link STL
Added option to export to the STL file format in the Export CAD dialog.
Link RVT Files
Added the ability for tags hosted to elements in a link to automatically re-host when the same elements become available, which improves workflows that would have previously orphaned tags for all users with an earlier version of the link loaded.
Link Topography
Improved the Link Topography command to follow the user interface configuration for command availability in the Revit Options dialog.
MEP Analytical Systems
When Systems Analysis reports are deleted from the Reports views in Revit, they are now queued to be deleted from the disk when Revit shuts down. They are not deleted immediately, in order that the Undo operation is still supported.
Users are provided a report of their peak loads on zones and systems as well as the psychrometric state throughout the system.
Improved the interaction between the Properties palette and individual elements selected in the System Browser when a schedule is the active view.
MEP Fabrication
Added support for the auto-fill feature when dragging end connectors.
Improve the priority of specification tables assigned to specific materials over tables assigned to any material.
Improved the Design to Fabrication feature to use the same logic as other auto-fill features. This provides support for equipment mapping & justification.
Improved the reload configuration feature to retain overridden length values on modelled instances.
Renamed "Group" to "Palette" on the MEP Fabrication part browser.
Improved the reload time on the reload configuration feature.
MEP Miscellaneous
Added support for additional categories for Maintain Annotation Orientation.
Added support for the Maintain Annotation Orientation option for a shared nested family.
Removed the Ruby Macro for Revit.
Remembered last used material browser tab on the device.
Improved the performance of switching the view to realistic when there are elements in canvas shared the same RPC as render appearance asset, up to 10x faster.
Options Dialog
Changed the name of 'Ribbon Tab Switching Behavior' to 'Ribbon Tab Switching' for consistency.
Renamed the following values in the Autodesk.Revit.DB.BuiltInParameterGroup enumeration:   PG_TERMINTATION to PG_TERMINATION, PG_AELECTRICAL to PG_ELECTRICAL, and PG_ELECTRICAL to PG_ELECTRICAL_ENGINEERING. PG_ELECTRICAL now identifies the parameter group "Electrical", so applications which do not adjust will find their parameters moved from "Electrical Engineering" to "Electrical".
Deprecated the ParameterType enumeration. Added static methods to the Parameter class to retrieve all parameter, group, and spec identifiers.
Revit API - LabelUtils.GetLabelForSpec(ForgeTypeId) has been changed to support non-measurable specs. Definition.GetSpecTypeId() has been deprecated in favor of Definition.GetDataType().
Added three static methods for accessing ForgeTypeId identifiers for built-in categories in the Revit API class Category: static ForgeTypeId GetBuiltInCategoryTypeId(BuiltInCategory), static BuiltInCategory GetBuiltInCategory(ForgeTypeId), and static bool IsBuiltInCategory(ForgeTypeId).
In Revit API class Category, added three static methods for accessing ForgeTypeId identifiers for built-in categories:

static ForgeTypeId GetBuiltInCategoryTypeId(BuiltInCategory)

static BuiltInCategory GetBuiltInCategory(ForgeTypeId)

static bool IsBuiltInCategory(ForgeTypeId)
Deprecated UnitGroup enumeration. Use ForgeTypeId instead. References to specific values of the UnitGroup enumeration may be replaced with references to the properties of new class DisciplineTypeId. Deprecated method UnitUtils.GetUnitGroup(ForgeTypeId). Use new method UnitUtils.GetDiscipline(ForgeTypeId) instead. Added new method LabelUtils.GetLabelForDiscipline(ForgeTypeId). Added new method UnitUtils.GetAllDisciplines().
Deprecated UnitGroup enumeration. Use ForgeTypeId instead. References to specific values of the UnitGroup enumeration may be replaced with references to the properties of new class DisciplineTypeId.

Deprecated method UnitUtils.GetUnitGroup(ForgeTypeId). Use new method UnitUtils.GetDiscipline(ForgeTypeId) instead.

Added new method LabelUtils.GetLabelForDiscipline(ForgeTypeId).

Added new method UnitUtils.GetAllDisciplines().
Deprecated Revit API functions based on the ParameterType enumeration in favor of new functions based on the ForgeTypeId class.

Improved Revit API functionality related to Family Type shared parameters.
Added ForgeTypeId constants to nested classes Boolean, Int, Reference, and String within the SpecTypeId class identifying non-floating-point parameter data types.
Part Elements
Added a new parameter for parts that would report the layer index for a compound structure.
Point Clouds
Expose single entry point from Revit API for ReCap SDK so that Revit API user can access ReCap managed API.
Added the ability to create custom fabric sheets from rebar sets containing moved bars.
Added the ability to include the path reinforcement in the precast assembly when using the Split command.
Improved printing so that the view will be forced to raster if there is a Coordination Model visible so it will be in the printed output.
Improved printing of generic annotations nested in model families so that when the host family overridden to be transparent, a solid filled region in the annotation will display and print transparent.
Improved the display of hidden lines through MEP Fabrication duct when parts are placed as taps.
Fixed an issue with Realistic views where some views with a split region would not print correctly when placed on a sheet with other views.
Improved Realistic views by adding an option to display RPCs from all directions similar to past releases in addition to the front only improved performance option.
Added ability to turn off the elements that contain a .rpc as render appearance asset in a realistic view for better performance.
Supported 3D RPC to be rendered with a realistic view.
Supported using RPC in the furniture family category.
Added 28 new 3D RPC files in Autodesk Material Library.
Improved the behavior of area reinforcement to show an adequate error message when a reinforcement direction has less than 2 bars.
Improved the behavior when placing free form rebar using the Create Similar command, to automatically select the placement method used for the selected set.
Added the ability to assign a shape code to custom bent free form rebar.
Improved the behavior when placing rebar to remember settings like set layout, orientation, rebar shape, and type.
Fixed an issue where the values of shared instance parameters added to free form rebar would get reset when the bar was recalculated.
Improved the performance when opening, zooming, or panning in 2D views showing rebar sets in fine or medium detail level.
Fixed an issue where formulas defined in a rebar shape family would not be evaluated for bars generated by path and area reinforcement systems.
Added the ability to move and remove bars in rebar sets, area or path reinforcement systems.
Improved the behavior of rebar to find automatic constraints, when copied to a corner of the same stirrup.
Fixed an issue where the type mark would not display when tagging bars in a varying rebar set.
Improved the behavior of rebar to allow aligning to the bar center in any level of detail.
Added the ability to model rebar using the actual bar diameter to avoid clashes.
Added a new way to place single bars or sets, by specifying two points that define a bounding box to which the rebar shape is expanded.
Improved transfer project standards by splitting Revision Settings into two separate options: Revision Settings and Revision Numbering Sequences.
Improved performance of some operations in the Sheet Issues/Revisions dialog for projects containing a large number of revisions or revision cloud instances.
Added a 'Minimum number of digits' option for numeric-based revision numbering sequences, which will determine the overall length of the generated revision number.
Added the ability to create multiple revision numbering sequences, which can be assigned to the overall revisions in a project.
Revit Cloud Model (workshared)
Fix the issue that some projects are missing from the list on Manage Cloud Models dialog when there are a large amount of projects under the single account.
Improved the API WorksharingUtils.GetUserWorksetInfo() efficiency in Revit cloud models.
Added the ability to resize the Synchronize with Central and Modify Settings dialogs.
Provided consistent Autodesk Docs project browse experience with Save as Cloud Model UI in Cloud collaboration.
Improved publishing display to prevent apparent failures that actually succeed.
Provided error message for uploading a cloud model not following the naming convention.
Improved clarity of exceptions potentially raised when using the cloud model link API.
Provided exceptions for cloud model initiate API.
Updated the PostableCommand enum API to reflect the latest status of Revit commands.
Provided API to initiate workshared cloud models.
Removed 2 obsolete API: ModelPathUtils.ConvertCloudGUIDsToCloudPath(Guid projectId, Guid modelId) and Document.SaveAsCloudModel(String folderId, String modelName).
Improved the message for duplicated models in the Save as Cloud Model dialog.
Extended existing API Document.SaveAsCloudModel() to initiate workshared cloud models.
Provided Revit API for linking cloud models.
Revit Home
Updated error messages on Revit Home page.
Route Analysis
Provided 4 new tools under Route Analysis tab so that customers could automate, visualize, and analyze the routes within a model to understand the impacts of physical distancing within the context of a design project.
Enabled split main schedule by defining the height (a new way to split):

Split evenly across multiple sheets

Split by given a custom height

Place segments at one time to multiple sheets

Align placed segments position according to the title block inner top left corner.
Enabled splitting schedule into several parts via in-canvas control and placing the parts from the same schedule onto different sheets. Supported segments as child nodes of the main schedule. Added index for the new segments.
Added the ability to filter Family, Type, and Family and Type in schedule views.
Added the ability to filter Workset parameter in schedule views.
Added the ability for most element category key schedules, when disassociating a key from an element (setting it back to none) the current parameter values will be preserved on the element, which are then modifiable as needed.
Added an icon and tooltip in element properties for all parameters included in an assigned key schedule, which indicates the status: 'Parameter set by key schedule' or 'Parameter cannot be set by key schedule'.
Expanded Category List when creating multi-category schedules in Schedule/Quantities and Material Takeoff.
Enabled exporting a schedule to .csv file as the default format.
Added the ability to include instance shared parameters in a key schedule.
Added Workset in available fields for workshared models when creating schedules, material take-off, sheet list, note block, and view list.
Shared Coordinates
Added required validation when using Document.AcquireCoordinates() or Document.PublishCoordinates() when called in edit modes or in family documents.
Updated the default Shared Site from Internal to Default Site in Location Weather and Site dialog for new models.
Shared View
Provided a new way to open a Revit cloud model from File Open menu.
Improved the Performance of account and project loading by up to 30-40% on Revit Home after signing in.
Provided an easy way to share a 2D view in Revit.
Exposed Sketch.OwnerId property to public API.
Steel Connections
Custom steel connection types can now be duplicated using the Edit type "Duplicate" option, allowing for faster creation of similar custom connections without requiring to start them from scratch every time.
Improved the material set up so that the graphics of steel plates and profiles are correctly updated when associated material graphics are changed.
Disabled material assignment in Object Styles for steel connections, anchors, bolts, shear studs, holes, modifiers, others, and welds as some do not have a material, or others have a material defined through other parameters.
A new option was added to the Steel Connection Type editor page that accesses the ranges of applicability editor.
Steel connection types can now be configured to support design intent rules governing their applicability in the steel model (association with steel profile sizes and internal member end forces), rules that drive the automatic placement of connections using dedicated Dynamo scripts.
Steel Connections for Dynamo
Added a warning message when opening the Modify ranges of applicability dialog while background calculation is still in progress.
Provided support for all taggable categories in a multi-category tag.
Added the ability to easily select the references for the multi leader tags.
Added the ability to tag curtain wall mullions.
Multi-Leader tag shows count of elements tagged. Tag reports when host parameter values differ. Tag will bulk change parameters for tagged elements.
Moved the property "Maintain Annotation Orientation" to the "Other" group in the Properties palette.
Resolved the issue so that the text of multi-label tags would display Right-to-Left correctly when there are mixed language such as Hebrew, English, Arabic, etc.
Added various modelling improvements for rotated tags.
Added the ability to rotate room, space, and area tags using the angle parameter.
Added the ability to rotate tags using an angle.
Added ability to tag multiple elements with a single tag.
Transfer Project Standards
Added the ability to resize the Review Warnings and Extended Warnings dialogs.
Removed Annotation Family Label Types from the Transfer Project Standards dialog because the setting is not useful in the project environment.
Added the ability to resize the Transfer Projects Standards dialog.
Added tooltips on the buttons of Transfer Project Standards dialog.
User Interface
Added a Revit.ini option, DisableProductFeedback=1, to prevent Product Feedback dialog from appearing at the end of Revit sessions.
Updated branding from BIM 360 to Autodesk Docs and from BIM 360 Design to Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro. See FAQ.
Provided a new project wide setting to customize the indication when a set of elements containing a parameter with multiple values is selected. The indication could also be overrides per field in schedule view.
Enabled infrastructural tools when selecting Civil discipline in the user profile.
Added the ability to resize the following Revit dialogs: Transfer Project Standards, Synchronize with Central, Wall Sweeps/Reveals, Warnings, Purge Unused, and Edit multiline text.
Performance improvement in large models for opening views that show sections.
Exposed new View Title API:  Viewport.LabelOffset and Viewport.LabelLineLength.
View Filters
Added the ability to drag the columns in the Filter editing dialog  to adjust the width; the optimized result is preserved across multiple Revit sessions.
Enabled multi-selection in the Visibility/Graphic Overrides Filters tab, to support visibility and other modifications to one or more filters.
Exposed Wall.SketchId property to public API and new methods: to create wall profile Wall.CreateProfileSketch(); method to reset wall profile Wall.RemoveProfileSketch(); method to check whether wall can have a profile Wall.CanHaveProfileSketch().
Improved the ability to attach wall sweeps to walls in some cases where the Cuts Wall property is set, but the wall sweep doesn't actually cut the wall.
Improved Wall Sweeps on Slanted or Tapered walls to ensure that in simple cases the Wall Sweep starts and ends at the bottom and top of the wall, respectively.
Improved the behavior of Wall Sweeps for Slanted and Tapered walls to ensure that in simple cases, the Wall Sweep's bottom and top faces align with those of the wall.
Improved the behavior of Wall Sweeps when Cuts Wall is enabled but the Wall Sweep barely cuts the wall.
Provided the ability to show only wall core layers in a plan view.
Added a driving angular dimension when selecting a slanted wall.
Added the ability to use the standard Revit wall tool to create vertically tapered walls.
Prevented stacked walls from shifting vertically when changing the cross-section from vertical to slanted.
Improved the display of merged layers of elliptical walls in section views.
Allowed the editing of elevation profiles for slanted walls.