Issues Resolved

3D Shapes
Improved the ability to create swept blends whose path is long but with small curvature, so that it's nearly linear in a bird's eye view.
Fixed the Mesh.GetNormals() API to return the correct number of normals when Mesh.DistributionOfNormals returns OnePerFace.
Fixed an API issue where properties with no value would report a value in the UI.
Allowed Revit API users to cancel the open event on a cloud model.
Corrected an API exception when the user doesn't have permission to initialize a cloud model.
Allowed model open API to open a detached file-based central file with specified workset settings.
Removed "Fixture Unit" from the list of available parameter types. Existing parameters of type "Fixture Unit" will be changed to type "Number". In the Revit API, any use of the enumeration value ParameterType.FixtureUnit will be replaced with ParameterType.Number.
Fixed an issue where property location coordinates were incorrectly reported due to the orientation of elements in the project.
Fixed an issue where thumbnails were not being properly generated for files created with Design Automation for Revit.
Fixed an issue where API users could set the Phase Demolished parameter for an element to be an earlier phase than the phase in which the element was created.
Clarified an API workflow to remove non-shared parameter definitions.
Fixed an issue where CustomExporter would skip export of faces based on their size.
Fixed API BuildingEnvelopeAnalyzer to include the ceiling as the envelope bounding elements.
Improved stability and API validation when placing views on sheets.
Corrected an issue where the displayed ribbon options would change when using the API to copy elements in a background family document.
Fixed the issue that alignment is missing after importing the bridge model from Infraworks to Revit when the value of displayed start station and end station is big.
Fixed an issue so that Assembly View displays in the expected workset.
Fixed an issue where a new assembly type was incorrectly created when copying an assembly containing face based families.
Improved performance up to 96% when manipulating assembly view with a large number of elements.
Fixed an issue so that all the assemble elements are displayed correctly when directly editing the assembly within the view placed in sheet.
Autodesk Account Sign In
Improved security when signing into Autodesk account by updating Identity Desktop SDK to with Open SSL version to 1.1.1.i.
Removed unnecessary reload steps for login status after some idle time.
BIM 360 - Publish Setting
Fixed an issue where the Publish Settings dialog doesn't have keyboard shortcuts.
Background Processes
Improved cleanup of C:\ProgramData\RevitInterProcess.
Fixed an infinite background calculation issue caused by extensible data storage.
Beams and Braces
Improved stability when using the Change Reference command inside a family.
Fixed an issue that caused "Elevation at Top" and "Elevation at Bottom" parameters to report "Varies" instead of correct values for structural framing of non-structural families.
Improved stability when a user tries to move structural framing which has an associated SketchPlane dependent upon a structural column.
Fixed an issue that blocked the user from using structural beam snap points when the element was added through a linked Revit file.
Category Visibility
Fixed an issue that might lead to instability when working with schedule view.
Color Fill
Fixed an issue where a new color scheme entry could not be created.
Fixed an issue where new entries cannot be added after deleting other entries in the "By Range" scheme in the Color Fill dialog.
Fixed an issue that prevented some values from being displayed in a system color scheme's color fill legend.
Fixed an issue that might lead to instability when working with color fill legend.
Fixed an issue that might lead to instability when working with a color fill scheme.
Fixed an issue in which the concrete beam was not joined with a slanted column, using Horizontal cut style.
Fixed an issue that caused vertical columns that have the Column Style parameter set to slanted to not flip and mirror properly and caused columns to sometimes change orientation when the Column Style parameter is changed from Vertical to Slanted.
Fixed an issue visible when trying to use an array parameter for a structural column while defining a generic family.
Corrected Height parameter behavior in "2 Layer Sliding_Shoji (No Frame).rfa" from JPN library.
Corrected the subcategory of symbolic lines for steel beam families in the German Library.
Corrected strings from "Bewehrungsüberdeckung" to "Betonüberdeckung" in German content library.
Renamed misspelled content MEP Connectors "Exhuast" to "Exhaust".
Fixed an issue in which the rectangular shape concrete beam, from the New Zealand content, extended with 12.7mm on each side.
Fixed an issue in which several steel shape types were unsorted inside the W Shapes.rfa Revit family.
Updated the project location of structural and MEP templates to be consistent with Architectural template in English Metric and Imperial library.
Reversed the front and back view name of Metric Generic Model ceiling based.rft.
Fixed an issue that caused the "T-Tees from Universal Columns.rfa" shape to move up or down inside the model, when then Level of Detail was changed from Medium to Fine.
Updated the elevation of project base points in Germany project templates to 0.
Fixed incorrect "Diagonal down 1.5mm" fill pattern in project template files.
Fixed an issue in which several parameters from Joist-Girder families couldn't be tagged because they were set as Family and not Shared.
Coordination Model
Removed an unnecessary warning dialog when an unloaded Coordination Model could not be found when opening its host file.
Fixed the issue that copying and pasting a tag on a nested family will make the whole family and tag moved.
Curtain System
Improved stability when working with curtain walls.
Improved stability when creating ordinate linear dimensions.
Improved stability of ordinate linear dimensions which converted from a non-ordinate linear dimension with multiple equality symbols.
Fixed an issue when loading updated spot elevation symbols into models.
Fixed an issue with dimension when mirroring a project.
Fixed an issue that might lead to instability when working with linear dimension.
Improved performance up to 2x faster when editing grids with dimensions.
Fixed an issue when dimension "Read convention" set to "Left, then Up".
DirectShape Elements
Improved upgrade of some families created in Revit 2018 or earlier to preserve some geometry created via import operations or API.
Fixed an issue that caused Dimensions to sometimes reference the wrong elements in a DirectShape representing imported geometry.
Removed the Air Terminal on Duct command in Revit LT as it shouldn't be available.
Duct/Pipe Display
Fixed an issue that caused gaps in the linework of nested MEP families.
Fixed an issue that prevented a pipe or duct rise symbol below equipment or other pipes or ducts from printing correctly.
Fixed an issue that displayed a single line vertical pipe as a drop instead of a rise.
Fixed an issue that prevented MEP Hidden Line setting from being included in worksharing syncing operations.
Addressed an issue where Pipe centerlines didn't display in assembly views.
Updated the Reverse Wye symbols in the Select Symbol dialog to match the symbol used in views.
Fixed an issue that caused interior graphics in a duct drop to remain thick when they are hidden.
Duct/Pipe Sizing
Enlarged the tolerance for look up for an angle type parameter in a lookup table.
Dynamo for Revit
Fixed an issue with loading geometry at an incorrect location by using Dynamo node Select Faces.
Fixed Dynamo for Revit nodes "Element.GetParentElement" to enable Stair as StairRun's parent element.
Improved the stability when working on Dynamo element material nodes.
Fixed an issue of Dynamo nodes tooltip being cut off and not displaying completely.
Improved the stability when using sheet creation related Dynamo for Revit nodes.
Fixed the issue that generic model was placed on the wrong level using underlay of the level above.
Electrical Cable Tray and Conduit
Fixed an issue in which a line based family didn't have the Offset from host parameter.
Fixed an issue where conduit and fittings can't be mirrored when they are connected.
Fixed an issue that auto-routing failed if offset is changed during cable tray creation and no transition is defined in cable tray type.
Electrical Circuits
Fixed an issue that the voltage value is incorrect when creating a circuit in some cases.
Fixed an issue that the load can't be propagated properly through a single phase transformer.
Fixed an issue where the circuit length doesn’t update in some cases.
Fixed an issue that prevented load totals from being summarized on electrical equipment.
Fixed an issue that the instance parameter is not updated correctly when driven by instance number of poles and voltage parameter in family.
Electrical Panel Schedule
Fixed an issue that the panel schedule doesn't display correctly when changing the type of that panel.
Fixed an issue that the panel schedule was not updated correctly when deleting the upstream circuit of the panel.
Fixed an issue that the Properties palette is not refreshed when switching to another panel schedule.
Fixed an issue where a single phase panel schedule doesn't display correctly on a sheet when merged cells exist.
Fixed an issue where the load classification list for a panel schedule template would not transfer properly.
Fixed an issue where the project parameter for a panel schedule template does not transfer properly.
Fixed an issue for the incorrect total load display in a panel schedule when "Display total load only" and "Display multiple row" are enabled in a panel schedule template.
Fixed an issue where the Comments parameter for Spare/Space circuit in a panel schedule cannot show on Sheets.
Energy Model
Fixed an issue that caused instability when upgrading families.
Improved the reliability of Systems Analysis by setting all underground spaces as unconditioned.
Improved the reliability of analytical spaces and analytical surfaces by not allowing them to be deleted through a schedule.
Fixed an issue that prohibited full translation of the Background Processes dialog that reports the systems analyses that are running.
Fixed an issue that prevented Analytical Spaces from appearing when they were created until the canvas was refreshed by another operation.
Fixed an issue when upgrading to Revit 2022 to set empty schematic constructions to a default value.
Improved energy analytical model creation by ignoring mass elements that do not contain geometry.
Fixed the accuracy and display of the Thermal Mass property when using metric units. Also corrected the unit for the same property in Imperial.
Added the Heat Capacity per Area unit in the Energy group of Project Units.
Added the read-only Phase parameter to Analytical Spaces and Analytical Surfaces.
Added the ability to filter analytical spaces by the Room Name parameter.
Removed an unnecessary error when creating an energy analytical model for a model containing no elements.
Updated the command to create the energy analytical model to not enable the Show Mass Form and Floors tool which turns on the display of masses in all views.
Fixed an issue that deleted the energy analytical model when changing the Mode in the Energy Settings.
When the Revit API is called for accessing EnergyAnalysisSurface and EnergyAnalysisOpening objects, they now return an enumerated surface name & ID, and OriginatingElementDescription with text and an enumerated ID, whereas previously these could be empty if the analytical model had been created using the energy settings.
Removed the button to launch the Energy Settings dialog from the Project Information dialog.
Added support for running an energy simulation for a model that uses the location of the project base/survey point.
Fixed an issue that prevented the energy model from being created when sending a simulation to Insight while a previous simulation is still running.
Assigned default layers and colors for export of analytical spaces and analytical surfaces.
Fixed an issue with eTransmit’s 'Upgrade and Cleanup' options, which would remove Panel Schedules even if they were placed on sheets or included as a selected view type.
Export DGN
Fixed an issue where line patterns would remain in the DGN export settings even after deletion from the model.
Export DWG/DXF
Fixed an issue where line weights would be incorrect when exporting to DWG using phase filters with overrides.
Fixed an issue where the non-plottable layers option could not get toggled when the prefix for non-printing layers would get deleted.
Fixed an issue where exporting to DWG would fail if the exported view contained very small spline geometry.
Fixed an issue regarding DWG export so the entities inside the customer's block include missing XDATA.
Fixed an issue where patterns would get deformed when exported to DWG with the units set to meters.
Fixed an issue where the size of solids exported as polymesh to DWG would be slightly inaccurate compared to Revit.
Fixed an issue where a 3D perspective view placed on a sheet would get incorrectly cropped when exported to DWG.
Fixed a button length issue of the DWG export setup dialog which caused the text to not fit the button width when translated into certain languages.
Fixed the title length issue of the export DWG add / edit modifiers dialog which caused the text to not fit the dialog boundaries when translated into certain languages.
Fixed the title length issue of the export DWG and DGN settings dialog which caused the text to not fit the dialog boundaries when translated into certain languages.
Fixed an issue where images in rotated views placed on sheets would be moved unexpectedly when exporting to DWG.
Fixed an issue where the area of polylines resulting from the export of room and area boundaries to DWG did not match the areas in Revit.
Fixed an issue where some text exported to DWG would be in reverse order, when the system locale was set to Arabic.
Fixed an issue where different columns would be exported as identical blocks to DWG.
Fixed an issue where the cut layer name in DWG export settings would become equal to the color ID.
Fixed an issue where blocks would be placed on a layer with an incorrect name when exporting to DWG and using layer modifiers.
Fixed an issue where small objects would not export correctly to DWG at large drawing scales.
Fixed an issue where identical hatch patterns would be incorrectly reused when exporting to DWG.
Fixed an issue where solid elements with elliptical shape could not be exported to DWG as ACIS solids.
Export FBX
Fixed an issue where small objects were not exported to FBX.
Export ODBC
Improved stability when exporting to ODBC.
Fixed an issue where copying some annotation families into a new project caused the data in the family to become invalid.
Fixed an issue that occurred in the family environment when the name of a text parameter was used as the value of a formula.
Corrected an issue where in-place family parameters could not be sorted or re-ordered in the Family Types dialog.
Family Editor
Fixed an issue where family parameters could not be moved if another group of family parameters was collapsed.
Fixed an issue that prevented creation of a swept solid in certain cases during upgrade of a Revit model.
File Open/Save
Improved the stability when saving files in a deep path which is longer than 260 maximum characters.
Improved the stability when opening files in a deep path which is longer than 260 maximum characters.
Improved stability when the current user attempts to repair the central model by opening a local file saved by another user.
Fixed an issue where saving a model in a directory that contains certain characters, such as a period, would change the filename to match the directory name.
Fill Patterns
Fixed an issue in Wireframe views where transparent solid fills were opaque when printed.
Filled or Masking Region
Fixed an issue where detail items would not display correctly using the Show Hidden Lines tool if there was a non-masking filled region in the view.
Fixed an issue to make creating a floor by picking lines more stable.
Fixed an issue where wall foundations with eccentricity would join incorrectly.
Fixed an issue where a schedule would report a blank value for built-in instance parameters of structural foundations.
Fixed an issue where the slab span direction symbol type could not be changed.
Fixed a performance issue when selecting structural connections in a Realistic view.
Fixed and issue where Underlay Lines and edges were incorrectly visible through solid fills inside nested generic annotations.
Improved stability when editing text in a rotated view.
Fixed an issue in Realistic views where Linked Topography would not display shading after moving it to a new location.
Improved stability when dragging the end control of a joined wall.
Fixed an issue in Realistic views where advanced materials with the Reflectivity option containing a texture was not displayed correctly.
Fixed an issue where setting the saturation value to 0 in Color Correction of a Realistic view made the whole view black.
Fixed an issue in Realistic views where incorrect lighting was making Reflected Ceiling Plans, and Structural Plans looking up, appear too dark.
Fixed an issue where some elements in linked Revit models might not appear when cut in section.
Fixed an issue where the Linework tool would cause nearby hidden lines in joined geometry to disappear.
Improved stability when opening some views in large complex projects.
Fixed an issue where some detail group types could not be set from the Type Selector or placed in a view without the type changing.
Fixed an issue where some detail group interactions, such as when adjusting the view Crop Region or adding overlapping detail elements, would incorrectly trigger the ‘Changes to groups are allowed only in group edit mode’ error.
Improved stability and performance while active in group edit mode and modifying existing or creating new elements.
Addressed an issue where some Addon help links would incorrectly be redirected before going to the correct location.
Host Inserts
Improved stability when upgrading projects with incorrectly hosted elements.
Fixed positioning of curtain walls when exporting IFC files using shared coordinates not at the internal origin.
Fixed the heights of levels in some linked IFC files when ElevationOfRefHeight was used.
Improved exporting properties in IFC files for doors and windows that are hosted by multiple walls.
Fixed export of some openings in stacked walls to IFC.
Fixed IFC export of some openings in walls.
Improved IFC export of some property sets, including IFC4 provision for voids.
Improved transparency for some elements when linking in IFC files.

Fixed location of origin when exporting some IFC files with the internal origin option.
Improved port connection information when linking MEP IFC files.
Supported recesses when exporting IFC4 files.
Improved linking of IFC files that include entities that have both their own geometry and parts with geometry.
Allowed opening of some IFC files that contained walls with no thickness.
Fixed the length of some extruded objects during IFC export.
Improved the export of materials to IFC for some non-extruded elements.
Added support for linking in objects in IFC files using IfcGridPlacement for positioning.
Improved the export of materials in IFC files.
Made all IFC exports persistent when creating new export setups.
Corrected grid spacing when opening some non-Imperial IFC files.
Allowed linking in entities in IFC files with very large geometric representations, that were previously disallowed for performance concerns, and added slight performance improvements.
Allowed the linking of some IFC files with incorrect bounding of swept solid geometry, such as found in rebar.
Allowed linking of some IFC files with entities that have invalid position information.
Improved linking of some IFC files with extruded geometry with finely tessellated boundaries.
Allowed proper opening of IFC files containing wall, floor, and roof types with very thin material layers.
Improved the linking of some IFC files containing windows or doors in walls split into parts.
Improved creation and color of sub-categories created during link IFC to distinguish special geometry such as spaces, openings, distribution ports, and bounding boxes.
Improved linking of some IFC files whose data was located very far from the origin.
Allowed objects in IFC files with filleted profile definitions too small for Revit to be linked into Revit without their fillets.
Disallowed entering a reserved windows name when exporting an IFC file.
Improved import of some geometry in linked IFC files that contains Boolean operations.
Fixed the relative locations and orientations of IFC files created using the "Export links as separate models" open.
Improved support for linking some IFC4 files using the IfcLineIndex entity to specify geometry.
Improved size and location of beam axes exported to IFC.
Improved support of export of steel connections to IFC.
Improved the size and performance of some exported IFC files that contained finely tessellated geometry by limiting the maximum size of the tessellation for any element.
Improved linking of some IFC files with swept solids with self-intersecting profile boundaries.
Improved IFC linking of some geometries that contained very small extrusion outline segments.
Corrected export to IFC of some openings generated by families with instance geometry.
Improved linking of some IFC files that contained elements with very thin extrusions.
Improved linking of certain IFC files with invalid geometric representations.
Improved linking of many IFC4 Addendum 2 files, the official version of IFC4.
Improved support for UTF-8 files when setting options for IFC import/export.
Improved import of some IFC4 files originating from AllPlan.
Allowed export of grids to IFC if there are no building stories in the file.
Improved linking of IFC rebars that contain very small line segments in the directrix.
Corrected the export of layer assignment to IFC for some floors with openings.
Updated the URL for UniFormat in IfcClassifications in exported IFC files.
Fixed an issue that caused steel plates and anchors to be exported at the wrong position in IFC when project base point was set.
Allowed IFC export of files containing elements mapped to the IfcCivilElement entity.
Fixed the creation of some wall types with multiple layers when opening IFC files.
Removed truncated strings from some localized IFC dialogs.
Improved support for linking in IFC files containing entities with swept disk solid geometry.
Corrected the location of some BRep-based stairs when exporting to IFC.
Fixed IFC export of door swings for door panels in curtain walls.
Corrected value for volumetric flow rate quantities for IFC exports when using L/s as the unit.
Improved support for beam covers when linking some IFC files.
Fixed the area quantity calculation when exporting doors to IFC.
Improved positioning for some objects while linking IFC files.
Import/Export Image
Improved stability when Revit fails to load a invalid PDF.
Improved stability when loading very large tiff files as images.
Import/Export Other
Improved import of Rhino and SketchUp files to properly hide invisible geometry.
Fixed an issue where the Import PDF dialog was incorrectly named Import Image when adding a PDF through the Manage Links dialog.
Import/Export gbXML
Fixed an issue that allowed a modified model to be exported to gbXML in viewer mode.
Fixed an issue that prevented exporting to gbXML using a UNC path.
Import/Export/Link DWF
Improved stability when exporting specific cases of cut geometry to dwf and BIM 360.
Import/Export/Link SAT/SKP
Fixed an issue related to picking certain portions of Revit Families containing imported SketchUp models.
Improved suppression of 2D annotation elements during SAT export.
Improved SAT export to prevent incorrect positioning of elements in an exported model.
Fixed an issue in Link CAD that caused Links inside Families to generate extra Object Styles after reload.
Improved SAT export to prevent incorrect positioning of elements in exported model.
Import/Link DWG/DXF/DGN
Fixed a potential issue when loading Import Lineweights from a file.
Fixed an issue that can occur when invalid values are entered in the Import Line Weight dialog.
Fixed an API issue related to the DWGImportOptions.AutoCorrectAlmostVHLines option.
Fixed a stability issue when importing or linking certain DWG files which contained invalid data.
Fixed an issue regarding API set layer modifier.
Set the minimum supported Windows OS version is Windows 10.
Insulation Lining
Fixed an issue that the display of duct insulation doesn't update immediately after changing the material pattern.
Improved the behavior of the Rotate with component property in Duct Insulation Tag families.
Join Geometry
Removed unnecessary join warnings generated during worksharing process.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Removed duplication of shortcut keys in the Collaborate Tab.
Fixed an issue with keynote tags where they would not get by-sheet keynote numbers if they were tagging duct insulation, duct linings, pipe insulation, pipe linings, flex ducts, or flex pipes which are above the cut-plane of a floor plan view.
Fixed an issue with the uniqueness of System Family names in Brazilian Portuguese: before the fix two System Family names "Label" and "Legend" were translated to the same word in Brazilian Portuguese; now "Label" is replaced by "Tag Label". Non-uniqueness of the System Family names led to inability to create Legends in Brazilian Portuguese Revit after execution of Purge Unused command.
Fixed an issue where a legend component may not always respond to detail level changes to the view, even when the parameter 'Detail Level' is set to 'From View'.
Fixed an issue where user license expired unexpectedly causing Revit to fall into a 10 minute grace period, after which Revit is automatically terminated.
Link Topography
Fixed an issue when aligning the position of a linked topography whose scale factor was not set to 1 with the current Revit model.
Fixed an issue that caused incorrect font encoding when text was translated to a different language.
MEP Connectors
Fixed an issue that caused instability when MEP family components were connected without using the default pipe type.
Fixed an instability issue from mechanical layouts with curve connection at the end connector positions.
Fixed an issue that caused Revit to zoom by an unexpected amount when using the Zoom Extents command while selecting an MEP element.
Fixed an issue that prevented editing the size of a round MEP connector using the in-canvas control when the dimension is using the diameter.
MEP Fabrication
Fixed an issue with pipe insulation which sized differently on different length parts.
Fixed an issue when inserting inline parts containing reducing sizes that could lead to serious errors.
Fixed an issue where Route & Fill wasn't being initiated when dragging vertical straights into horizontal straights.
Fixed an issue with reduced inline tees that could result in the reducing size being ignored.
Fixed an issue with pattern 1175 causing connections to sometimes fail.
Fixed an issue that caused costing data to be lost after exporting parts to a .maj file.
Fixed an issue where changing the size of a part would create a transition with equal sides.
Fixed an issue where temporary fabrication parts were not being cleaned up after using multi-point routing.
Fixed an issue with Revit performance when using the MEP Fabrication Part Commands add-on.
Fixed an issue that resulted in a serious error when using the trim / extend feature on mixtures of fabrication parts and family based content.
Fixed an issue related to the level offset of eccentric connectors to avoid issues with copy and paste.
Fixed an issue with couplings and reducers being deleted and parts disconnecting sporadically after reloading configuration with revised parts.
Fixed an issue where upgrade was failing on some fabrication projects
Improved stability after inserting a part in a straight, and hovering over the part after placement.
Improved the behavior of disconnect markers in certain scenarios when parts do not connect.
Fixed a stability issue when connecting a rectangular flex to a square to round pattern.
Fixed an issue that resulted in couplings being deleted when modifying the connector on the opposite end of a pipe.
Fixed an issued when changing the insulation specification on selections containing specific, problematic parts.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Free Size parameter value being lost during modelling.
Fixed an issue that resulted in parts disconnecting when changing insulation settings.
Fixed an issue that resulted in couplings with invalid connections being deleted after using the reload configuration feature.
Improved the connection of parts when the snap point changes as a result of connectivity matching.
Fixed an issue that caused incorrect insulation area calculations on straights and square to round parts.
Fixed an issue with changing connectors on certain parts that are connected inline with the fix relative setting enabled which resulted in disconnections.
Fixed an issue that resulted in disconnections after editing transition sizes in transition on transition scenarios.
Improved the orientation of traps when replacing elbows using the type selector.
Fixed an issue that caused overridden connectors to be incorrectly placed when optimizing straights.
Fixed an issue with kerf values resetting to 0 after importing a job file.
Fixed an issue with the hidden line display on collars attached to the underside of host straights.
Improved the display and position of the in-canvas controls on high resolution monitors.
Fixed an issue that resulted in parts disconnecting when changing branch size in tap-off scenarios.
Improved document switching behavior for MEP Part Browser.
MEP Miscellaneous
Improved stability when clicking the thumbnail in P&ID modeler after canceling search.
Fixed an issue of wire ambient temperature initialization in some legacy models.
Fixed an issue in which macro module has a duplicated name in a worksharing project.
Improved Massing instances imported from FormIt to dimension properly.
Improved stability when editing/ painting colors with materials.
Fixed an issue where the Material browser would load thumbnails unnecessarily.
Improved stability when creating/editing materials.
Fixed an issue that material texture not found after moving textures to a new assigned render path folder.
Fixed an issue that the material of cloud rendering might be incorrect with linked models.
Mechanical Systems
Improved performance by up to 98% when using tab selection within large MEP networks.
Removed the Edit System command from the context menu when a mechanical equipment set is selected as the command shouldn't be available.
Fixed an issue that caused instability while exiting a sketch editor.
API: Deprecated TemperatureRatingType.AddCorrectionFactor() and Electrical.CorrectionFactor.Temperature, with replacements that operate with floating-point numbers instead of integers, matching the behavior of the Electrical Settings dialog, and correct the behavior with respect to different temperature unit types.
Improved stability of parametric elements created by macros.
Part Elements
Corrected an issue that would appear when trying to create parts from nested families.
Corrected an issue that would appear when adding a part to another part in order to be merged.
Improved the Revit API documentation by adding additional information on the default behavior of ‘CreatedPhaseId’ for newly created elements.
Fixed an issue with Phase View Filters where duplicate default phase view filters were created after transfer project standards.
Fixed an issue that caused an endcap at the end of a vertical pipe to not display.
Fixed an issue that caused instability when the pipe system volume calculation included a family component without a symbol type.
Fixed an issue that caused instability when placing a view on a sheet when working in a model that has invalid data.
Fixed an issue related to center line geometry in some pipe fittings.
Fixed an issue that prevented the fixture unit value from propagating from a plumbing fixture to the connected piping.
Plan Regions
Fixed the issue that lines are slightly rotated when the crop region is rotated as a very small angle, smaller than 0.3 degree.
Resolved the issue that the cut pattern of the structural column missed when placing plan region on it.
Point Clouds
Fixed the issues with duplicated calls on IPointCloudAccess.CreatePointCloudAccess, and IPointCloudAccess.Free is not called as expected.
Fixed an issue where Revit Point Cloud links are not sorted alphabetically on Manage Links dialog.
Corrected an issue that would occur when creating a CAM file that would be named with Windows reserved names.
Corrected an issue that would appear when upgrading files that had precast data in them.
Corrected an issue that would prevent export the assembly name when the name contained Windows unsupported characters.
Corrected a UI issue for the Reinforcement dialog in the Precast tab when using the Chinese environment.
Corrected a cosmetic issue for Custom Fabric Sheet Configuration in the Chinese environment.
Corrected an issue that  would appear when trying to split a wall that would be partially lying on top of another wall.
Corrected an issue that would make the ElPartArea to be affected by the presence of doors and contours opening.
Corrected an issue that would prevent edge reinforcement to adjust when changing the rebar cover.
Corrected an issue that would cause the side lifters for double walls to not be added if the opening was too big.
Corrected an issue that would prevent export to PXML when the assembly contained elements without 3D geometry.
Corrected an issue that would prevent the label for dimension line to be moved when the dimension line was moved.
Added the ability to select different types of title block in the shop drawing tab in the Precast configuration.
Pressure Loss Calculations
Fixed an issue that caused incorrect piping calculations when flex pipes were used in a network with analysis for closed loop hydronic piping enabled.
Fixed an issue that prevented the Relative Roughness value of a pipe from updating when the type changed.
Fixed an issue that caused a piping calculation to block the user instead of running in a background process.
Updated the Add, Remove, Move up, and Move down controls in the Pressure Loss Report Settings dialog.
Fixed an issue that prevented the use of the Loop Boundary parameter in a system color scheme.
Fixed an issue where text in Linked CAD file printed with incorrect color in Structural Discipline views with Hidden Lines mode set to All.
Fixed an issue where views set to Realistic that were not directly opened in the session would print wireframe when printing multiple selected views and sheets.
Fixed an issue where the Print Settings such as hiding reference planes and crop regions were not working in Realistic views.
Fixed an issue where current view only CAD links and imports set to display in background incorrectly displayed hidden lines that would not print with the Show Hidden Lines view parameter set to All.
Fixed an issue where some hyperlinks were not created when printing to PDF due to plan views being rotated to True North.
Fixed an issue where placed images set to background would print in front of geometry in a view with a non-rectangular crop region.
Fixed an issue where current view only CAD links and imports set to display in foreground incorrectly printed extra hidden lines with the Show Hidden Lines view parameter set to All.
Fixed an issue where the Reconcile Hosting icon temporary graphic was incorrectly visible on screen without the family selected and in print if the Linework tool had been used on the family in the view.
Fixed an issue with unexpected solid fill on walls from Revit link in Mechanical consistent color view with non-rectangular crop region when printing in vector mode.
Fixed an issue where some hidden lines in a structural view set to by discipline did not print if the view was rotated counterclockwise on a sheet.
Fixed an issue where an inserted image or PDF was not cropped by a non-rectangular crop regions in a vector print.
Fixed an issue where in a section view with the Far clip set to clip without line, lines created by edges outside view range incorrectly displayed but did not print in vector.
Fixed an issue where some hidden lines created by edges of joined geometry would display in the view but not print.
Fixed an issue where arrow shaped fill patterns would print incorrectly in a Structural Plan with View Direction set to look up.
Fixed an issue where print of hidden lines created using the Show Hidden Lines tool with detail elements did not match the screen.
Fixed an Issue where the order of creation of solid fills would effect how they printed so they did not match the screen.
Fixed an issue where a Point Cloud nested in an RVT link forced all views to print raster regardless of the point cloud visibility in the view.
Fixed an issue where views with MEP Hidden lines on and Show Hidden lines set to none would display hidden lines off on screen but incorrectly still print the hidden lines.
Fixed an issue where the boundary line of transparent solid filled regions were not clipped correctly by non-rectangular crop regions in a vector print.
Properties Dialog
Improved the stability when a parameter value contains line breaks in Properties palette or schedule.
Fixed an issue when changing parameters in the Properties dialog.
Improved performance when using the type selector.
Improved stability when working with RPC library.
Fixed an issue with certain railings that had prevented views from opening.
Fixed an issue where rebar would incorrectly be hidden by a section box.
Fixed an issue where rebar would incorrectly get hidden by a crop region.
Fixed an issue where the cover and offset controls for a bar handle would be displayed outside of the rebar edit constraints mode.
Fixed an issue where the concrete cover could not be edited for walls created as a rectangle.
Fixed an issue where Multi-Rebar Annotation dimensions could not be moved when placed on bars hidden by presentation options, in views where depth clipping was set to clip with line.
Fixed an issue where a standard bar would incorrectly snap to an arc segment stirrup.
Improved the stability when the concrete cover is generated in structural elements with complex geometries.
Fixed an issue where the length of a rebar could not be changed by editing the segment length in the Properties palette.
Fixed an issue where a rebar set showing just one bar could not be annotated using Multi-Rebar Annotation in a plan view clipped with line or without line.
Improved stability when editing the rebar constraints if the model was created in very large coordinates.
Fixed an issue where duplicating a rebar shape would remove the hooks when Revit is set to Chinese, Japanese, or Korean languages.
Fixed an issue where Multi-Rebar Annotations could not be copied in a dependent view.
Added the ability to export planar custom fabric sheets to IFC.
Fixed an issue where the color assigned by sub-category would not display for parts of some rebar.
Fixed an issue where shared parameters added to a rebar shape family through the API would not appear in the Family Parameters dialog.
Fixed an issue where bars would incorrectly display as cut in a slightly rotated section view.
Fixed an issue where the rebar number of bars generated by the area reinforcement was incorrectly changed when removing the area system.
Corrected an issue that would make lifters to be inclined when the wall would have chamfers.
Fixed an issue where the handles of a rebar set would not be displayed in views where depth clipping is with line or without line.
Fixed an issue where some faces of an element joined to another could not be selected as a rebar constraint.
Corrected an issue that would prevent copying fabrics in the same place.
Fixed an issue where the rebar segment lengths would incorrectly adjust when adding a hook.
Fixed an issue that RPC preview image doesn't work when refreshing.
Fixed an issue that might lead to instability when working with lighting scheme.
Revit Cloud Model (not-workshared)
Refined the ModelPathUtils.ConvertCloudGUIDsToCloudPath() API comments for CentralModelException to be more accurate.
Revit Cloud Model (workshared)
Fixed an issue where cloud workshared linking from a BIM 360 folder with a name ending in ".RVT" would not work.
Fixed an issue that a cloud model with name length close to limit 255 causes failure of navigating to the corresponding folder on Import/Link RVT dialog.
Fixed issue where personal accelerator worked improperly when multiple Revit users were logged in to the same computer.
When reloading a linked model on a BIM 360 project that was renamed, it will no longer show an error message.
Revit Personal Accelerator is uninstalled with Revit 2022, to ensure that older versions of Revit have a version of Personal Accelerator available when using Revit Cloud Models.
Provided the correct message when opening a cloud model in a BIM 360 Docs account without access from Recent Files.
Added a message with a list of special characters not allowed in the Save as Cloud Model dialog.
Provided consistent folder sorting in Save as Cloud model dialog with Revit Home.
During a Synchronize with the Central the customer will be restricted to 1000 characters in the comment field.
Provided a clear message for cloud model naming length in the Save as Cloud Model dialog.
Updated the text in the error message to match the current name of the Revit Cloud Worksharing service.
Revit Home
Updated the Japanese font on Revit Home.
Fixed the conflict between System Browser focus and Revit Home cloud model opening.
Fixed an issue so that Revit Home doesn't show an empty folder after clicking the Refresh icon.
Fixed an issue where the "Go to BIM 360" link in Revit Home does not work when customers created a new project in BIM 360 Docs.
Fixed the issue where the Publish to BIM 360 dialog string and layout is inconsistent in Japanese.
Improved the speed of modifying walls or inserts in walls associated with a footprint roof with a dormer opening.
Fixed an issue when creating roof layers in a section view for roofs with cuts or other complexities.
Fixed a problem that caused 3D room geometry to not be bounded by a footprint roof if the roof's Rafter Cut property was changed from "Two Cut - Square" to another setting.
Improved stability of room calculations.
Route Analysis
Fixed the issue that one way indicator family would cause Path of Travel to behave incorrectly.
Fixed the issue that Path of Travel will behave incorrectly as a pretzel route.
Fixed the route analysis issue that path of travel would go through the wall.
Fixed the behavior that combined parameter now can display corresponded Material information.
Fixed an issue when working with furniture schedules.
Fixed an issue where the panel schedule zoom level was unexpectedly restored by undo/redo.
Fixed an issue that project information doesn't update in combined parameters of schedules.
Fixed an issue that non-supported parameter displays incorrectly in the schedule for Revit LT.
Fixed an issue where using the Create Similar command on an elevation view would create an unexpected drafting view.
Shared Coordinates
Improved stability when dragging and dropping a dwg file into a family document after linking operation was performed in a project document in the same Revit session.
Fixed an issue with a specific linked dwg position that moved after reloading.
Shared View
Fixed the truncated texts for help links in shared view notification dialog for longer languages.
Fixed the truncated texts in shared view notification dialog for longer languages.
Fixed an issue where Realistic views rotated on a sheet would display and print without shading.
Fixed the issue that table based property lines rotate twice when rotating project north to align with the selected line.
Fixed an issue that the material texture rotation is wrong for site topography.
Fixed an issue where subregions and railings placed on a toposurface were lost after using the merge surfaces tool to merge the toposurface in a certain order.
Fixed an issue where contour labels placed on topography didn't report correct elevation values when its elevation base was set to Project Base Point.
Fixed an issue where part of the site cut material was missing in section views when the section was split into segments.
Fixed an issue where spot dimensions placed on topography were deleted after split surfaces were merged.
Fixed an issue where not all of Cut and Fill parameters in a topography schedule updated after moving one of the topography which impacted the cut and fill calculation result.
Fixed an issue that the building pad does not cut topography when its point is exactly on the edge of topography.
Fixed the issue so that Start-End-Radius Arc would work as expected when the model is mirrored.
Improved stability when editing railings on a stair.
Improved the performance to open floor plans with multiple stairs/railings.
Improved stability when editing and copying stairs.
Improved stability when editing the location line when sketching a stair.
Steel Connections
Improved time performance for worksharing synchronization actions when the central model has link models attached that contain or have contained steel fabrication elements such as steel connections.
Fixed an issue that caused missing dimensions in dwg export if the "Export rooms, spaces, areas as polylines" option was selected in a model with steel fabrication elements.
Fixed an issue in which weight displayed in the Properties palette and material from code check report were not correct for steel elements when structural material was set as type parameter.
Fixed an issue where some Structural Steel Connections were not checked out when editing the type in worksharing.
Resolved an issue when a complex building with steel connections was pasted into the same model.
Updated the UI to remove the Modify Parameters button that was displayed in the ribbon when a failed connection was selected.
Steel Connections for Dynamo
Fixed an issue where Dynamo would close the rvt file if it was also used as a library file in the script.
Steel Connections for Revit Addin
Fixed an issue in which plate elements were not assigned to any container, inside the IFC file.
Steel Custom Connections
Improved stability when removing plates from a custom steel connection.
Fixed an issue that would cause the secondary Revit Worker process to fail if a custom connection that included no standard connections was applied to a plate.
Steel Fabrication Beam
Fixed an issue that caused a beam with fabrication to not appear in the Material Take-off Schedule if the Structural Material parameter is set to Type.
Steel Fabrication Elements
Fixed an issue to align the value returned via API and shown in Properties Palette for a particular bolt "Standard" parameter.
Fixed the issue that when a selection of a Bolt Element is made in BIM 360 viewer, Standard Parameter is missing European Norm(EN).
Steel Modifiers
Fixed an issue in which shortenings and miter connection do not properly cut the beams when they are situated at large coordinates (>3000 ft.).
Structural Families
Fixed an issue related to FamilyInstance.Split method which failed to work properly when the instance was near 0,0,0.
Fixed an issue in which the imperial families: W Shapes.rfa and W Shapes-Column.rfa, had a Perimeter value that was 12 times bigger than the units in which the value was set.
Fixed an issue in which some lines from family instance were not cut by void geometry.
Sun Path
Improved stability by properly disabling the Sun Path view property in adaptive and pattern based families.
Fixed wall sweep displaying issue on ceiling plan view.
System Browser
Disabled several irrelevant buttons in Modify tab when panel schedule/schedule view is active.
Fixed an issue that tag cannot be edited when it contains Multiline text shared parameter.
Fixed the issue that structural beam tags changed position after reloading linked file.
Fixed the issue so that a family with nested line-based shared families could be copied and pasted.
Fixed an issue so that annotation text would display correctly when the first letter is displayed as a special character.
Fixed the issue that exporting Revit opaque text to DWG file missed the background mask.
Fixed an issue with incorrect text export to DWG when text containing Unicode combining character sequences.
Fixed the issue so that text would be printed as expected when using Override High DPI Scaling.
Fixed the copy-paste issue so that text would display correctly when there is a mix of Hebrew and English characters.
Transfer Project Standards
Fixed the issue that transferring project standards failed since there were duplicated imported categories names.
Fixed the issue in Revit LT so that the object setting of built-in categories and sub categories would be overridden after transferring project standards.
Fixed the issue that family is placed on the wrong ceiling plan when the underlay level information in the ceiling plan view is changed.
Fixed an issue where an element was deleted after Undo/Redo in edit mode.
Fixed upgrade blocking issue by deleting and replacing error curtain panels with new ones.
Improved stability during upgrade for models that contain invalid detail elements.
Resolved truncated text on model upgrade dialog when displaying on some higher resolution screens.
User Interface
Improved stability when working with Revit view windows.
Fixed an issue for the user profile dialog display in DEU language.
Removed Autodesk APP Store button in Revit LT.
Improved the stability during line editing and then interacting with Ribbon commands.
Corrected some broken links in the API reference documentation.
Improved stability using the API function Selection.SetElementIds() in certain situations.
Fixed an issue where the camera position of a locked view could be modified if a space mouse was being used.
View Filters
Fixed the API issue so that FilterStringRule constructor caseSensitive argument would not be ignored.
Fixed an issue where a view filter using the Workset parameter, which includes a ‘contains’ operator, would not identify matching elements in a Revit link even if they correctly meet the filter criteria.
Fixed an issue where view filters that used Level parameters in their rules would compare level IDs instead of level elevations.
View Templates
Fixed the issue that parameter value in schedule is not updated when the calculation rule under formatting tab is changed through schedule template.
Fixed the issue that Yes/No project parameters failed to set correctly in applied view template.
ViewCube Navigation
Improved stability when navigating using view cube under given circumstances.
Fixed an issue with an incorrect tooltip when closing steering wheels on the preview of type properties.
Improved stability when interacting with the navigation wheel.
Added the ability to copy a tag of an element placed on an infill host.
Improved the "Attach Top/Base" tool when attaching one wall to another when at least one of the walls is Slanted.
Improved stability when editing wall wrapping at inserts.
Fixed the error message when entering an invalid value for the angle of a slanted wall.
Improved the stability when opening material browser from wall type edit.
Fixed a problem that caused wall layers in a Section view to not be shown when a reveal had a corner that just touched a layer boundary.
Fixed the hatch pattern shift issue for walls after changing cut plane for Plan Region.
Enhanced the function to add reveal on the walls with arc line profile.
Fixed an issue to keep the connection between wall and foundation after changing wall type from basic wall to stacked wall.
Fixed an issue that wall foundation does not rotate along with wall after changing wall type from basic to stacked.
Provided stability to using temporary angle dimensions when creating slanted walls.
Fixed an issue that causes an error when the cross-section of a wall with a split face is changed to slanted.
Improved the stability when editing a stacked wall.
Improved stability when modifying or deleting wall due to the duplicated wall sweep ID.
Fixed an issue to keep the connection between wall and foundation after changing wall type from stacked wall to basic wall.
Fixed issues to keep the current phase for walls with foundations after splitting the walls.
Fixed the infilled wall clean up issue for demolished door which is overlapped with a new door.
Wall and Roof Joins
Improved the resilience by providing instruction when failing to create parts.
Improved stability when working on the elements with incorrect permission data.
Prevented the potential for missing elements caused by undo after Reload Latest.
Stabilized behavior when nested families are modified by multiple users.
Fixed the issue that Restore Backup will make a central file on the file server be a local file and missing all versions.
Fixed an issue to maintain the correct permission for deleted elements in a local copy of Revit worksharing.
Worksharing Monitor
Fixed an issue so that Editing Requests in Worksharing Monitor will display correctly when one user deleting an element owned by another user in a local copy of Revit worksharing.