Scene > Reference Editor
Use the Reference Editor for seeing all references in your scene, identifying their type, checking their status, seeing when something was last modified, who made modifications, and the file location.
The Reference Editor has a menu and search bar, options for seeing content in the Reference Graph or Reference List, two sections displaying reference file details, file paths, and assorted tools, and Icon Bar.
From the Menu Bar, select Scene > Reference Editor.
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Popup notifications appear in the viewport, indicating files are out-of-date or links are missing. To turn off reminders, uncheck Enable in the Preferences.
This section explains what each option in the Reference Editor menus does.
Use the File menu to load, unload, and save.
Load All - Loads all references into VRED, displaying the content in the viewport.
This action cannot be undone.
Unload All - Unloads all references from VRED and removes them from the viewport.
This action cannot be undone.
Save All Smart Reference Changes - Saves all smart references that have been modified.
This action cannot be undone.
Use the Edit menu for converting, reimporting, and repathing.
The Reference Editor contains a search field for quickly jumping to what you need.
Click to access a context-sensitive menu.
When a search filter is applied, the icon turns orange . Multiple filters can be applied. File types referenced in the scene will appear below the search filter list.
From the drop-down, choose Reference Graph.
When Reference Graph is selected, a pure reference hierarchy (or assembly structure when dealing with CAD) is displayed. This means the view isn't cluttered with other VRED nodes, such as switches or groups.
Slider to the left
Use the slider at the bottom to expand the references and expose another layer of the structure.
Slider moved to the right
Clicking will also expand and expose the next layer of the hierarchy.
From the drop-down, choose Reference List.
When Reference List is selected, a list of the reference file names is displayed. Use it for traditional flat list searching and list ordering. Also, the number of instances (clones) of a reference in the scene are posted next to each reference.
Right-click within the References, Smart, or Source sections to access a menu containing the following options. Keep in mind, some of the options may be greyed out, depending on your selection.
This option needs at least one unloaded reference to be selected.
For smart references, it opens the selected unloaded smart reference VPB file into VRED, displaying it in the viewport. Its status is updated in the Reference Editor and Scene Graph. Use this for memory/performance management during a session.
For source references, it triggers the reimport of the selected unloaded source reference VPB file into VRED, displaying the Import File(s) dialog. After import, it is displayed in the viewport. Its status is updated in the Reference Editor and Scene Graph. Use this for memory/performance management during a session.
Multi-selection is supported for this option, but undo is not.
This option needs at least one loaded reference to be selected.
It closes the selected loaded smart reference file from your scene, removing it from the viewport. Its status is removed from the Reference Editor and Scene Graph. Use this to unload unneeded content from memory to improve performance during a session.
Multi-selection is supported for this option, but undo is not.
Select one of the following editing options:
Rename - (Ctrl+R) Changes the name of the selected reference to whatever is entered in the name field.
Clone - (Ctrl+D) Creates an instance of the selected reference in the scene.
Multi-selection is supported for this option.
Unshare - Unshares the selected clone, resetting the cloned smart reference to an Unsaved status, breaking the cloning link, so actions can be applied to the newly changed unsaved smart references.
Unshare - Unshares the selected clone, resetting the cloned smart reference to an Unsaved status, breaking the cloning link, so actions can be applied to the newly changed unsaved smart references.
Changes the path of the current references to a new storage location. Repath looks in the new location for file names matching the reference names. If the file cannot be found, the Repath dialog appears for locating the file.
Multi-selection is supported for this option, but undo is not.
This option needs at least one selected reference.
Removes all reference attributes and combines the content of the selected reference into the current VPB. Converts the reference into a Transform node.
Multi-selection is supported for this option.
This option is ONLY available for source references, empty references, and VRED nodes, such as groups.
Does one of the following:
With a source reference or empty reference selected in the Reference Editor, it converts the reference into a smart reference that has yet to be saved. Use Save Smart Changes to save it.
With a VRED node, such as a group, selected in the Scene Graph, it takes the currently selected VRED node, converts the node to a smart reference for saving the contents of node to a separate file (VPB).
Multi-selection is supported for this option.
This option is disabled if a smart reference is not selected.
Highlights the selected nodes in Scene Graph and Viewport.
Highlights the selected subtree nodes in the Reference Editor.
This action cannot be undone.
This option is disabled if a smart reference is already unloaded.
Select one of these two options for creating a smart reference:
New - Creates a smart reference empty node, named SmartReference, below the selected node. If no selection is made, the new node is added to the end of the list.
From File - Creates a smart references from a VPB file that is imported into VRED.
This option is disabled if a smart reference is not selected.
Reimports the selected smart reference file. Use this to update an out of date smart reference.
Multi-selection is supported for this option, but undo is not.
Select one of the following:
Replaces the current smart reference with a user-chosen one.
If the new link exists in the current scene, a clone is created. This action cannot be undone.
This option needs at least one saved smart reference.
Changes the path of the current smart references to a new storage location. Repath looks in the new location for file names matching the reference names. If the file cannot be found, the Repath dialog appears for locating the file.
When a single childless reference is selected, select a new directory.
When references with children are selected or multi-selections are made, the Repath dialog appears for locating the file(s).
Multi-selection is supported for this option, but undo is not.
This option needs at least one selected smart reference.
Deletes the smart reference.
Multi-selection is supported for this option.
This option needs at least one saved smart reference.
Opens an Explorer window at the smart reference file location.
This option is disabled if a smart reference is not selected or already unloaded.
Saves selected smart reference changes made in the VRED session.
Multi-selection is supported for this option, but undo is not.
This option is disabled if a smart reference is not selected or is already unloaded.
Saves changes made to a selected smart reference in VRED, creating a new file.
This action cannot be undone.
Creates a source reference node. When a reference is selected, a source node is created as a child of it. Select a file and click Open.
This option is disabled if a source or smart-source reference is not selected.
Does one of the following:
When a source reference is selected, it reimports the selected source reference file, updating the out of date source file. The status of the source file will change from out of date to Up to date.
When a smart-source reference is selected, it reimports the selected source file and marks the reference as modified. The status changes from Out of date to Up to date for the source reference.
When the Import dialog appears, locate the source file and click Import.
Multi-selection is supported for this option, but undo is not.
Select one of the following:
Replaces the current source reference with a user-chosen one.
When a source reference is selected in the Reference Editor, select a file, then the new file is imported. The reference VRED node is renamed to that of the new file.
When a smart-source reference is selected in the Reference Editor, select a file, then the selected source file is reimported. In your scene, the smart reference will display an asterisk, indicating it has been modified, but has yet to be saved to disk.
This action cannot be undone.
This option is disabled if there are no references with source links selected.
Changes the path of the current source or smart-source references to a new storage location. Repath looks in the new location for file names matching the reference names. If the file cannot be found, the Repath dialog appears for locating the file.
When a single childless reference is selected, select a new directory.
When references with children are selected or multi-selections are made, the Repath dialog appears for locating the file(s).
Multi-selection is supported for this option, but undo is not.
This option needs at least one selected source reference.
Deletes the source reference.
Multi-selection is supported for this option.
This option needs at least one selected source reference.
Opens an Explorer window at the source reference file location.
Provides information on the status of the various references.
Provides the date for when the current file was last modified.
Provides the name of the person who created or last modified the file.
Indicates the storage location of the file.
Displays the location of the selected reference file. Use the following icons, found to the right of the File field, to access these frequently used options:
Replace Selected - Replaces the current selected reference location with another reference.
(Re)Import Selected - Opens the Re-import File dialog for choosing what is reimported, the selected file is updated to include any modifications and selected options.
Delete - Deletes the link to the referenced file for the selected reference. All columns for the selected reference is cleared.
Info - Provides information on the selected reference and some details on its children.
Click any of the following icons to access these frequently used options:
Creates a smart reference empty node at the selected location. If nothing is selection, the new node is added to the end of the list.
Select one of these two options for creating a smart reference:
New - Creates a smart reference empty node, named SmartReference, below the selected node. If no selection is made, the new node is added to the end of the list.
From File - Creates a smart references from a VPB file that is imported into VRED.
Creates a source reference at the selected location. In the Explorer window that appears, set a location.
Clones the selected references, creating new clones in the Scene Graph at the same level as the original nodes.
Selects the nodes for the selected references in the Scene Graph.
Converts the selected references into Transform nodes. It dismisses the reference information.
Opens the Scene Information dialog, which lists general information on references, smart references, and source references in the loaded scene.
Along the bottom of the Reference Editor, get a tally of the number of missing and out-of-date files, along with the total number of referenced files.
The Status Bar is only displayed when the Reference Editor is undocked.
When ((Re)Import Selected) is clicked, the Re-import File dialog appears.
The options found in the most sections of the Re-import File dialog are the same as those in the Import File dialog, with one exception, the Re-import Options section.
Transfer data from the current scene to the newly imported graph. Check things you want transferred and uncheck any you don't. If you want transformations, animation, and touch sensors preserved, check them. However, if the re-imported source file contains render layer settings and they are not to be included, ensure that option remains unchecked.
Materials - Choose the action to be taken for materials. Choose from: