Display Configuration

Click the Display Setup option in the Rendering > Cluster dialog to access the display configurations.

The Cluster Dialog Box

Display Configuration


Lists all projections. Right-click for options to copy, paste, delete, and add projections, as well as convert them to planes.


There are Add Projection and Delete buttons to do the same.

When a projection is selected, the Projection options are loaded into the pane to the right.

Windows and Viewports

Right-click for options to copy, paste, delete, and add display, window, and viewport, as well as delete anything selected in this section.


There are Add Display, Add Window, Add Viewport, and Delete buttons to do the same.

When the following is selected, its options are loaded into the pane to the right.

Projection Options


This name is used to assign projections to windows.


Contains the following type options:

Wall (No head tracking)

For a tiled display without head tracking support. Select this type for a tiled wall. In a tiled wall projection setup, a projection is composed of multiple projectors or multiple displays. Each projector or display projects a tile of the full image. Tiles are arranged in rows and columns. Rows are counted from bottom to top and columns are counted from left to right. Tiles can overlap each other and the overlapping edges can be blended. If stereo display has an offset between the left and the right eye, then the offset from the left to the right eye must be provided.

Row 3 Col 1 Row 3 Col 2
Row 2 Col 1 Row 2 Col 2
Row 1 Col 1 Row 1 Col 2

There are two similar tiled projections supported. The first one does not support head tracking. For this setup, the exact geometry of the display must not be provided. So, if head tracking is not required, this setup should be used.

Wall Parameters

Power Wall

For a tiled display with head tracking support. The projection plane must be defined in mm. The center of the tracking system must be calibrated to lie in the center of the projection wall.

Power Wall Parameters


For a cave-like projection. A cave consists of multiple orthogonal projections. It is defined as a cube. Each side of the cube can be defined as a projection plane. Consider a person standing in the middle of the cave cube, then the projection planes are named relative to this person as front, back, left, right, bottom and top. If the walls of the cave are not aligned to a cube, for example the floor projection is shorter than the left or right wall, then multiple cave projections can be used or some sides of the cave can be defined as projection planes.

Cave Parameters


A projection plane is the most flexible projection type. It is possible to define any rectangular area in 3D space as a projection area. The plane is defined by 3 points in space.

Plane Parameters


Adds the two tile projection type-specific options, Tile and Right Eye Offset [pixel], to Tile Parameters.

Tile Parameters

Display Options

If the projection is defined, then each projection must be mapped to a window on one of the cluster nodes. All windows that belong to the same display are grouped together into a display node.

Window Options

Viewport Options

A viewport defines an area on a window where the scene should be visible. Each viewport is responsible to view one projection.

Click OK and Apply to apply the changes made in this dialog.