About the Scene Graph

Scene > Scenegraph

Use the Scene Graph to show all the nodes and references in a scene, organized in a tree structure. The root node is at the top of the structure and is a parent to all other nodes in the scene. The root node is a group node and cannot be deleted, renamed, or otherwise edited. Imported files are highlighted in green.

Scene Graph

The Scene Graph has a menu, search, and icon bar, options for displaying the Scene Graph library tree view or scene tags, and slider for expanding the node hierarchy.

From the Menu Bar, select Scene > Scenegraph or in the Quick Access Bar, click Scene Graph button Graph.

Scene Graph menu bar

The Menu Bar contains these menus for working with nodes and references in the Scene Graph:

View Filter

Scene Graph view filter options

Click the section found below the Menu Bar to change what is displayed in the Scene Graph.

Scene Graph search field

Use the Search field at the top of the Scene Graph to find nodes. Regular expressions are supported.

Tree View

Scene Graph Tree View


If the Tree View is not displayed, click the View Filter section and select Scene Graph.

Use the Scene Graph to do the following and more:

See Working with the Scene Graph for more ideas.

Node Icons

Node icons provide information about the node. The icon will change, with other symbols added to it to indicate changes have been made to that node.


References have their own unique icons to differentiate them from other nodes. See References for more information.

Original Icon Icon Description
geometry Transform A node with a transform
geometry Animation A node with animation
geometry Duplicate and Mirrored A duplicated and mirrored node
geometry Locked A locked node
geometry Grouped Grouped nodes
geometry Hidden A hidden node

When a node is cloned, the name of the original node and the clone are underlined. Deleting the clone removes the underline.

Cloned nodes

The Scene Graph Context Menu

Right-click within the Tree View to access the following options:


Provides a list of things to create, such as different types of geometry, lights, cameras, as well as groups, shells, matrix transforms, material groups, environments, etc.

See How to Create a Node for an explaining of these options.


Provides a list of things to edit, such as different types of surfaces, geometry, animation, as well as options for renaming, removing select nodes, etc.

See the Scene Graph Edit Menu for an explaining of these options.


Provides a submenu for editing the usage of external file references. These files are imported into the Scene Graph and are present within its structure.

Convert To

Changes the selected node into what you have selected, such as a group, matrix transform, material group, switch, etc.


Provides access to the Reference options.


Hides the selected node.


Toggles the selected node on or off.

Show Last Hidden

Shows the last hidden node. This is great for quickly locating and turning on a node when working with a large and complex model.

Hide Subtree

Hides the selected node and its subtree.

Show Subtree

Shows the selected node and its subtree.

Hide All

Hides everything in the Tree View, but has no effect on the Viewport.

Show/Hide All

Shows and hides everything in the Tree View. Use it to view your nodes after using Hide All.

Set To A Side

Sets the selected nodes as A sides, so they are visible in the Viewport.

Set To B Side

Sets the selected unneeded shapes and components as B sides, to hide them in the Viewport and avoid re-loading these files.

Isolate View Selected

Shows only the selected node in the Viewport. To see your entire model, select the top node of our model, then Isolate View Selected.

Isolate View Select

View In New Renderwindow

Opens a new Viewport (Render Window), displaying the selected rendered node.

Zoom To

Zooms the Viewport into the selected node's geometry.

Zoom In

Show Components

Shows the individual patches for objects (only Surfaces and Shells).


Toggles the selection mode of a node and its children on or off. If nodes are deselectable, they cannot be modified in the Viewport. Mouse interaction with the deselectable node is not possible, such as applying a material by drag and drop or flipping normals. However, the touch sensors can still be used, such as annotations and measurements with the deselectable nodes. The object’s icon changes from Selectable (selectable) to Unselectable (deselectable). To deselect things, use Deselect All.

Select All

Selects all parent nodes in the Scene Graph, excluding the root node. (Ctrl+A).

Deselect All

Deselects all nodes in the Scene Graph. (Ctrl+Shift+A).

Select Subtree

Selects the current node and its child nodes in the Scene Graph.

Select Parent

Selects the parent node for the selected node in the Scene Graph.

Select All Clones

Selects all clone nodes of the select node in the Scene Graph.

Select All Transformable Clones

Selects all transformable clone nodes of the selected node in the Scene Graph.

Select All In Same Level

Selects all nodes that are at the same level in the tree. For example, you want to select all 3rd generated child nodes. If you have a large project, this would be time consuming. However, if you select one, then use Select All In Same Level, all are selected immediately.

Invert Selection

Switches from what is selected to everything else. In the tree, the inversely selected nodes will highlight blue. In the Viewport, if Boundings is active, the select geometry will change. (Ctrl+I).

Invert Selection in Group

Switches the selection from the things selected in the group to what wasn't selected. (Ctrl+Shift+I).

Grow Component Selection

(Surfaces/Shells only) Expands the currently selected nodes to include neighboring patches. (>).

Shrink Component Selection

(Surfaces/Shells only) Deselects patches that have unselected neighbor patches. This is the inverse of Grow Component Selection (<).


Opens the Find pop-up window. Any objects matching the criteria are selected. (Ctrl+F).

Scroll to Selected

Scrolls through the Scene Graph to the selected node. (Ctrl+Shift+F).


Opens Node Information, which displays an assortment of details regarding the selected node or reference. Click OK or the X to close it.