About the Substance Attributes

Material Editor > Create/Convert > Create Material > Substance

Substance Attributes in the Material Editor

The Substance Attributes

The top part of the Substance Attributes displays a Material Preview and the following additional information:

Substance Parameters

This next section houses parameters. Most substances will have Substance Package, Texture Settings, Bump, Displacement, Raytracing, and Common parameter categories, along with their own unique categories of parameters. However, some of these may not exist for a given Substance and there may be some unique to it.

Supported Texture Channels

Here is a list of the supported Substance output channels:

Here is a list of Texture Channels that are not easily found in VRED:

Substance Package

The following list is comprised of parameters we feel are notable:

Environment Material

These attributes only appear when a Substance Environment is selected.

2021.3 Results 2022 Results
HDR Environment 2021.3 HDR Environment 2022

Shadows and Illumination

These attributes only appear when a Substance Environment is selected.

Color Correction

These attributes only appear when a Substance Environment is selected.


These attributes only appear when a Substance Environment is selected.

The source of spherical projection of the Substance Environment Material can be set with transformation parameters.

Raytracing Settings

These attributes only appear when a Substance Environment is selected and only take effect in Raytracing Mode.

Texture Settings

The following are a list of the parameters:


The following are a list of the parameters:



The following is a list of the parameters:


The following are a list of the parameters:

Rounded Edges

For more information on how to use the rounded edges parameters, see Rounded Edges Shader.
