Working with Modules in the Application Window

How to close, dock and undock a module, and prevent a module from docking when you move it.

Modules are the windows that appear when you select one of the options, such as Graph or VSets, in the Quick Access Bar. Modules can float outside of the VRED application window (the area that surrounds the Viewport) or be docked within the it. Modules can also be undocked. If finished with a module, close it.

See how to dock and undock a module, and prevent a module from docking when you move it, and close one when done with it.

What are Modules

Modules are the windows that appear when you select options from some of the menus or the Quick Access Bar, such as Graph or VSets. They tend to contain things like an Icon Bar at the bottom, menus, a tree view, and parameters.

For docking and undocking, use the interface elements are found in the upper right corner.

Example of a Module

How to Dock and Undock a Module

Do either of the following:

To undock a module, drag the title bar away from the Viewport's edge or click title bar away from the Viewport's edge.

How to Prevent a Module from Docking When Moving it

At the top right of a module, click the orange D button Orange D button to deselect docking. The button color changes to gray button color changes to gray. This will prevent it from docking, while moving the module.

How to Close a Module

To close a module, at the top right of a module, click Close.