You can use wildcards and boolean operators when specifying search criteria.
Boolean operators are only available in the Advanced tab of the Find dialog and work only within a single search criterion. You cannot use a boolean operator between search criteria.
* |
Represents any number of characters within a string. |
? |
Represents a single character within a string. |
Boolean Operators (case insensitive)
and |
Searches for x AND y in any order. The search granny AND smith returns anything containing both words. |
or |
Searches for either x OR y. The search granny OR smith returns anything containing either word. |
not |
Searches for documents that do NOT contain x. The search NOT granny returns anything which does not contain granny. |
" " |
Searches for the phrase contained within the quotation marks.
Note: Tokenized search rules are still applied to the string within the quotation marks but special operators (AND, OR, NOT) within the quotation marks are treated as text.