The Autodesk Viewer offers several tools to help users interact with and inspect designs. Certain tools are specific to either 3D or 2D models and will appear only when appropriate to the model you are viewing.
In the top right corner of the preview pane, you will see the viewcube, a UI element that you can rotate to orbit around the model.
Viewer Toolbar
The Autodesk Viewer has a default toolbar located at the bottom of the page.
- Orbit: Rotates the camera around 3D view.
Pan (hand tool): Slides the camera from side-to-side and top-to-bottom.
- Zoom: Moves the camera closer or further away from some aspect of a design.
- First Person: Gives you the ability to explore designs in an unfixed, first person perspective.
- Camera Interactions: Adjusts the view to ensure that the entire design is visible.
- Markup: Lets you add granular feedback with simple text and drawing tools. See
Markup for more information.
Measure: Measures the distance between two points or an angle between three points.
- Section Analysis: Cuts through a design along an axis with a plane, or through a selected box to allow you to inspect the interior of a design.
- Document Browser: Displays model information.
Explode Model: Separates a model's geometry to allow you to see individual parts of the design.
Model Browser:Displays an interface to navigate the model's geometry. You can click on, search for, and hide certain parts of a model.
Properties: Displays design metadata. This includes information such as part numbers, types of material, and mechanical properties.
Settings: Lets you configure certain aspects of a design view's user experience. This includes reducing image quality to improve performance, changing the background color, and changing how navigational elements, such as zoom, interact with the design.
- Print Snapshot: Lets you print what is rendered on the screen.