View and edit change order details, add comments or associated items, and specify routing lists on the Change Order dialog.
Access the Change Order Dialog
The Change Order dialog box has six tabs:
- General: Contains the change order attributes.
- Records: Displays the list of files and items associated with the change order. The record details for each file or item include a title, description, revision, and the state.
- Comments: Summarizes the decisions for the change order in the form of comments, attachments, and markups. You can also customize email notifications.
- Files: Lists all files and associated items for the change order. Attachments and markups are also listed.
- Routing: Lists the participants involved with the current change order.
- Status: Contains a graphical representation of the current status of the change order.
Use the toolbar to interact with the change order:
- Save: Saves the change order with any changes that have been made.
- Update: Updates the record selected in the Records tab.
- Refresh: Refreshes the view.
The Change Order toolbar indicates what activities can be performed depending on:
- The current state of the change order
- The role of the participant.