Create a Project Report

Create Vault project reports to help you manage your vault data.

Vault Project reports contain information on files, sub-projects, items, and change orders within the project. In addtiion, linked data and implied data can be added to the report for a better overview of your vaulted content.

You can create a Vault Project Report from either the Reports tab or the Report button. 

Create a Vault Project Report from the Reports Tab

Create a dashboard of your project using the default report templates or create your own report template to show exactly the data you need. With all of your project data in one place, customize the report settings to show all of the data you need by following these simple steps:

  1. Select a project folder in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the Reports tab of the Preview Pane and click Configure.
  3. On the Folder Report dialog, click Browse Files.
    Note: The browse button will remember that last selected option in the menu next to the button.
  4. Navigate to the desired report template and click Open.

    With the report template loaded, Report Options can now be selected to determine which data are included in the report.

    Note: By default, all of the files in the selected folder are included in the report.
  5. Select one of these report options:
    • Include sub-folders - All data contained in all sub-folders of the project ins included in the report.
    • Include Dependents - All dependant data of the selection set is included in the report. Data located outside of the project is included as well.
    • Include Links - All data that is linked to a project ins included in the report. For example, checking the option for File links will include all target files that are linked in the project. The target file may not reside within the selected project, but including the link to the file allows the file to be shown in the report.
  6. Click OK.

    The report is now shown in the Preview Pane. View the contents and take advantage of the reporting features such as export, save, and print.

For quick access and viewing of Project Reports, select the project folder in the main grid and view the report in the preview pane. The historical template selections for this project folder as well as historical settings are available in the Report Templates field of the Reports tab. Simply select the historical configuration for any selected project folder.

Create a Vault Project Report with the Report Button

Create a dashboard of your project using the default report templates or create your own report template to show exactly the data you need. With all of your project data in one place, customize the report settings to show all of the data you need by following these simple steps:

  1. Select a folder in the navigation pane.
  2. From the Standard toolbar, click the Report... button.
  3. In the Folder Report dialog, click Browse Files.
  4. Navigate to the desired report template and click Open.

    With the report template loaded, Report Options can now be selected to determine which data are included in the report.

    Note: By default, all of the files in the selected folder are included in the report
  5. Select one of these report options:
    • Include sub-folders - All data contained in all sub-folders of the project ins included in the report.
    • Include Dependents - All dependant data of the selection set is included in the report. Data located outside of the project is included as well.
    • Include Links - All data that is linked to a project ins included in the report. For example, checking the option for File links will include all target files that are linked in the project. The target file may not reside within the selected project, but including the link to the file allows the file to be shown in the report.
  6. Click OK.

    The report is now shown in the Preview Pane. View the contents and take advantage of the reporting features such as export, save, and print.