Check In Settings

Configure your Check In settings to control how files are stored in a vault.

File Structure options provide a great deal of flexibility when it comes to reorganizing and rearranging files so that they are added to the vault in a vault-friendly manner.

Note: You cannot have two or more files with the same name in the same folder.

In the Check In dialog box, click the Settings button.

These settings determine how files will be added to the vault and are only available the first time files are added to the vault.

Once the files are checked into the Vault in a manner specified below, anyone checking out those files brings this same structure down to their local working folder.

Use organized folder structure

The root folder is the top level folder within a hierarchical folder tree. The folder structure is maintained for all folders that are at the same level or beneath the host file. All referenced files and folders existing outside the directory tree of the Host are brought into a single folder under the host.

Place all files in one folder

All xrefs and dependent files are flattened so that they exist at the same level as the host. All the files are located under the vault folder.

Preserve locations if in working folder

Maintains the file structure of files being checked in from the local working folder. As a best practice, always work within the working folder and preserve the file locations.

Create Visualization Attachment

Creates and attaches a visualization file to the design file being checked in.

Apply to All Files

Creates a visualization file attachment for all files being checked in. This option must be turned on to create visualization files for children.


Indicates which of the following tabs to include in the visualization file:

  • Model Tab Only
  • Layout Tab Only
  • Model and Layout Tabs
  • <Use Default Vault Settings> - use the settings specified on the Publish Options dialog in the vault client.