Link a DWF or DWFx Markup from Vault

Link a DWF or DWFx markup stored in a Vault to selected Revit sheets.

  1. Click Link from Vault on the Revit Vault Ribbon.
  2. Navigate to the DWF or DWFx Markup that you want to Link from Vault and click Link.
  3. On the dialog, the DWF View column shows the sheets coming from the import. The Revit View column shows the Revit sheets.

    Map the incoming sheets to the Revit sheets.

  4. Click OK to finish linking the DWF markups.
  5. Note: Now if you open a file with a DWF link, the DWF file is automatically checked out. If you check a file with a DWF link back into the vault, the DWF file is automatically checked back into the vault.