Data Standard New Files Interface for Inventor Components–Tube and Pipe

The New Files-Tube and Pipe data sheet lists all new files generated by the Tube and Pipe Module.

The following document types are supported for Tube and Pipe:

Uncollapse each sublist to see the files for each document type. Every file listed requires user input before the new file can be saved for the first time.

Select a file from the list to start filling in the data for that file.
Tip: Select one or more files of the same document type to make changes to them all at the same time. Fields with unique values for each file will show Varies as a value.

Run Assemblies

  1. Select a numbering scheme and enter any required text in the Number fields.
    Note: If no numbering schemes are available, move onto the next step.
  2. Enter a title for the assembly. This field is required by default.
  3. If desired, fill in a description of the assembly.
  4. The path where the assembly is saved is defined by Inventor. This path cannot be edited.
  5. The assembly name is provided by Inventor but can be modified.
    Note: Users can only modify the File Name if no numbering scheme is defined.
  6. Include any comments about the assembly, if needed.

Route Parts

  1. Select a numbering scheme and enter any required text in the Number fields.
    Note: If no numbering schemes are available, move onto the next step.
  2. Enter a title for the route part. This field is required by default.
  3. If desired, fill in a description of the route part.
  4. The state of the route part is automatically defined by Inventor. This value cannot be edited.
  5. The path where the route part is saved is defined by Inventor. This path cannot be edited.
  6. The route part name is provided by Inventor but can be modified.
    Note: Users can only modify the File Name if no numbering scheme is defined.
  7. Include any comments about the route part, if needed.

Run Components

  1. Select a numbering scheme and enter any required text in the Number fields.
    Note: If no numbering schemes are available, move onto the next step.
  2. Enter a title for the run component. This field is required by default.
  3. If desired, fill in a description of the run component.
  4. The state of the run component is automatically defined by Inventor. This value cannot be edited.
  5. The path where the run component is saved is defined by Inventor. This path cannot be edited.
  6. The run component name is provided by Inventor but can be modified.
    Note: Users can only modify the File Name if no numbering scheme is defined.
  7. Include any comments about the run component, if needed.
When you are finished, click OK.
Note: The OK button becomes active only when all required fields for all data sheets have been filled in.